Piraju City

The movement that it led helped to open ways for the pacific transistion of the Kenya of a ditatorial regimen for a democratic government, in 2003. Maathai was vice-minister of the environment of its country and its motto is: ‘ ‘ to plant trees is as to plant seeds of paz’ ‘. One is about a local action of leadership, in a distant country, expressive and little poor, that took ratio global and made followers. In Brazil, the biggest icon of the ambient cause was Chico Mendes, the native of Acre who got world-wide recognition when organizing seringueiros and indians for the defense of the Amazonian Forest, its ways of life and to hinder the deforestations. Chico Mendes was assassinated in day 27 of December of 1988, in Xapuri, to the 44 years of age, in the door of its house, the control of a farmer who had its dispossessed seringal. The construction of a new global model of balanced development becomes pressing. A model that schematizes and practises the vision of economic, social and ambient development sustainable.

A new reglobalizado world, from local actions with global abrangncia, in search of a conviviality more balanced, igualitrio and just, that it reflects the truth ecological, in which if inserts the green preservation of sources and areas, as well as the use of clean energies and renewed. Enthusiastic congratulaes to the power consisting of the Tourist Ranch of Piraju and to the representative entities of the local society, as the ONG Adevida, for completely rejecting the private pretensions of if constructing a new plant in the city. The possible benefits of this take over on a contract basis do not surpass the ambient damages that workmanships of this transport produce e, for passed waters, the city already know of this. The vocation of the place is clearly the tourism and the agronegcio, activities, by the way, arraigadas in the rich pirajuense culture and that they are part of the history of the city. Current and for certain the future generations of this sacrossanta purple land is thankful its visionary leaders and to the population in general, for walking in the certain direction, which is, the preservation of the integrity of still the vioso River Paranapanema. That is sustainable development, that is future vision: in a small piece of green a beautiful local workmanship was painted. This action can serve of model for global workmanships of as to preserve gifts of the nature, without compromising the development of the local economy.