A systematic revision of studies with bigger number of individuals was carried through that 100, with bigger age that 64 years, of both the sexos, residents in the community. The studies had presented metodolgica heterogeneidade. The main factors associates to the increase of the risk of falls are: antecedents of fall, alteration of the march, functional incapacity, cognitivo impediment, consumption of psicotrpicos frmacos and excess of physical activity. Although contradictory findings, the feminine sex and the advanced age, also can be preditores of falls. 2.2.1 Intrinsic factors of risk the aging conditions a series of modifications in the organism that facilitate the appearance of falls, when is added to other factors. It enters the occured modifications with passing of the time, have special relevance those that ahead affect the mechanisms of control of the balance and the capacity of fast reply to the disequilibrium. In the maintenance of the balance it intervines numerous structures (afferent ways, of central integration and eferentes). The sensorial aferncias depend on the systems visual, neurosensorial peripheral and labirntico vestibule.
On the visual system, it seems to clearly have bigger importance to the reduction of the tolerance to the environment and the reduction of the capacity of adaptation to dark environments. The effectiveness of the peripheral neurosensorial system allows to observe greater reduction of tactile sensitivity, of proprioceptiva sensitivity (over all in inferior members or situations of responsibility), of vibratory sensitivity and cervical mecanorreceptores. The frequent appearance of angioesclerose of internal ear, atrophy of sensorial cells, amongst others, makes it difficult the peripheral initial sensorial aferncias. (IT HISSES, 2009). The known loss of muscular mass that if produces in the aging (up to 20-40%), basically affects to muscular staple fibres type II or of fast contraction, thus making it difficult the accomplishment of fast movements of correction. Thus exactly, the time of reaction front to a stimulaton meets prolongated.