Sheet-metal stamping is one of the most common methods of metal forming. Depending on the stamp, it can deform the material is given a way to cut it, or perform other actions. Because of their productivity and quality of sheet-metal stamping has become one of the main methods of metal processing in modern industry. Sheet-metal stamping has a few main types of operations: separation, formal and combined. As is clear from their names, dividing imply that the initial billet is cut into separate pieces. These include deforestation, punching, cutting, punching, trimming and other actions. Sheet-metal stamping, in which changes shape blanks, called formative. This operations such as snap, edit, squeezing, stretching.
Finally, Combination sheet-metal stamping involves simultaneous deformation and workpiece, and cutting. Any sheet-metal stamping is carried out by the following principle: metal sheet is clamped between a fixed matrix and a movable plunger which give it the desired shape. In the case of cutting, punch not only deforms and breaks through the workpiece. This requires the use of special stamps. Sheet-metal stamping, during which the Cutting the material passes through three basic stages: elastic stage, plastic stage, and cleavage. The first phase includes the elastic deformation of the metal and a small indentation in the matrix. Punch has yet a little pressure the workpiece. At the next stage of sheet-metal stamping requires a deep indentation in the metal matrix.
It should be noted that the punch (assuming he rectangular shape), exerts pressure over part of its labor parts, but only on the edges – it is there and will be cut. Because of such a distribution of operating forces of the workpiece to be cut, bent. Sheet-metal stamping goes to the third stage, when the voltage on edge reaches the limit. After that, the metal having a crack, first in contact with the edges of the matrix, and then by the punch. As the pressure increases in these places is chipped – Sheet punching is completed.