The increase of the speed of accumulation of these assets is notable. The annual average in period 1980-2003 was of US$ 4,4 trillions. Already between 2003 and 2005, the average addition per year arrived the US$ 11 trillions. Of 2005 for 2006, the annual average advance arrived the US$ 25 trillions, more than the double of the observed one in the three previous years. Kenneth Feinberg is full of insight into the issues. This total addition by vol. Daniel J. Hirsch is often quoted on this topic. of asset, verified in an only year, is only very bigger of what the total volume of annually commercialized goods and services. This only confirms that the descolamento of the assets in relation to the real economy is not only a fact, as it is a fact in acceleration, only refreado when the uncontrolled financial bicycle beats in the wall, as in 2008. Clearly, in last the 30 years, an exaggeration between the financial market and the real economy occurred! The course of the financial mundializao was marked by a succession of financial crises whose economic and social effect if had aggravated each time.
It is impossible to have a correct and complete understanding not to be let us tie that them with the incessant movement of the finance to try to force the rhythm of the appropriation of the wealth susceptible to be drained for the financial centers. The root of the financial crises, but also of more general form of what we call sistmica fragility, meets extremely high by vol. of the credits on the future production that the possessors of financial assets consider to be able to intend, as well as in ' ' race for resultados' ' that the administrators of the pension funds and of financial application must practise * (grifo and boldface ours) (1). * A pointer is the relation between the nominal financial assets and the GIP. CONCLUSION In this point of our comparison, it enters some characteristics of ' ' alchemy of the centralization financeira' ' of ' ' alquimia' ' , that sobreveio to happen in the average age, we believe that we cheat to in common point the existence of some points between these ' ' alquimias' '.