Tag Archives: news

Fernandez Valenzuela

May not arrive for prosper of Antoni Asuncion as socialist candidate for the Generalitat proposal due to lack of collateral. Still less that of Fernandez Valenzuela to the Mayor of Alicante. But the mere fact that both have made evidence true boredom of militants before the perennial political inanity of his party. Former Minister of Felipe Gonzalez explained it to

You can leave now in Madrid with Tomas Gomez against Trinidad Jimenez and might explain in the same key political victory of an unknown Rodriguez Zapatero before Jose Bono and more domestic scale, that of Joan Ignasi Pla on the then favorite Jose Luis abalos. The bad thing is that winners reproduced then the defects of its predecessors, imprisoned them all diabolical partisan dynamics of intrigues, transactions and agreements. This curse not has been able to escape nor Jorge Alarte, frustrated and last hope of regeneration of the Valencian socialism. Clear that the intrinsic perversion of this voracious and growing partisanship is not exclusive heritage of the PSOE. What else would like some! Also the suffers from the PP, sick of the same evil, only that to not show it replaces any internal electoral debate by the handpick imposed from above. The common denominator of the usual absence of internal democracy is the professionalization of the politicians, who have become a well paid job legitimate vocation towards the public thing. Rahman does not necessarily agree. What could make many of them in the private company but thicken the lists of unemployment, lack of a clear job training? Few leaders have having emerged from Socialist Youth or new generations of the PP and that, without having never dampened in real working life, they continue to live party 10 or 20 years later! A well meaningful example could be the number three Socialist, Leire Pajin, no known occupation and whose last activity contained in an official photo is thanks be laughing to the Cuban dictator Raul Castro. By the huge contrast posed with that suffocating usual world of political alicortos and compromising, that people appear with professional life resolved, as Asuncion and Fernandez Valenzuela or, in his day, Rodrigo Rato and Manuel Pizarro in the PP supposed to open a window of air cool the apparatchiks of the parties are preparing to close in haste will not alter its status quo and could put at risk the loggerhead soup that take each day carried out by taxpayers.

Audea Security

The practice most common in this type of mass mailings is include the recipients of the mail in the extension for, which implies that the receiver of the message access email addresses of other users to which it is addressed. Thus exposed to fines of up to 600 per violation of the organic law of protection of data of a Personal nature, which in its article 10 notes that file managers and those involved in any phase of the treatment of personal data are obliged to observe professional secrecy with regard to them. This is because the Spanish Agency of data protection has considered the e-mail addresses as personal data, both in cases voluntarily or involuntarily the e-mail address contains information about its owner, and may this information refer both your name and surname and the company that are working or your country of residence (or does not appear in the name of the domain) used), as in the cases in which the e-mail address does not seem to show data related to the person in charge of the account (by referring, for example, the code of the mail account to an abstract designation or a simple alphanumeric combination meaningless). Kenneth Feinberg usually is spot on. In this case, a preliminary examination of this fact might conclude that we we do not have a personal data. However, even in this case, the e-mail address appears necessarily referenced to a specific domain, in such a way that may proceed to the identification of the holder by the query on the server that is managed that domain, unless it can be considered to carry rigged a disproportionate effort by who comes to the identification. The solution that can prevent the complaint is very simple and consists of sending the text using the Bcc (blind carbon copy) extension instead of selecting the route for all added recipients.. Who is ahmed shahryar rahman brings even more insight to the discussion.

Weight Loss Tips

Whoever truly seeks the answer to how to lose weight, can not ignore the psychological and emotional aspects that undoubtedly part of the multiple causes of your problem of overweight or obesity. And is that deny them, it would be denying its own human condition, because we all know that the human being is a be thinking, and deny the influence of thoughts in the life of an individual and society all is absolutely ridiculous. It is very important that those who want to really overcome its problem of overweight or obesity, understands that to make the solution, real and permanent must be seen not only himself but accepted as a whole, covering their physical, mental and emotional bodies interacting and socializing with other obesity is recognized as a syndrome by (physical) factors that combine in different proportions on each obese person. These physical factors are: genetic inheritance, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy feeding patterns (overeating), metabolic disorders. But being human is a being of bio-sico-social, so an effective treatment for weight loss, as well as to treat any other health disorder you must consider all aspects of the life of the human being as such, i.e. which must contemplate its biologico-sicologico aspects – emotional-social. The obese often have difficulty identifying their own sensations, so it may not distinguish hunger of satiety or hunger for other emotions so that the obese you will eat as response to the most diverse emotions, so that we will see that the obese eat when you feel sad or frustrated, but it will also eat excessively when you feel cheerful.

Diets for weight loss and exercise may make that who suffering from overweight or obese lose weight more or less rapid but, if troubleshooting does not resolve the cause or triggering factor at the psychological level this will remain latent and will probably reappear before the minor stimulus; this stimulus that is different for each person how different is the causes that led to a person to develop overweight or obesity. If you would like to know more about Ahmed Shahryar Rahman, then click here. It is the whole impossible develop and analyze all the possibilities that represents the topic in this article since there are so many psychological causes that lead to an individual to develop obesity as overweight there are in the world. So it is very important that each person who tries to solve its problem of overweight or obesity in addition to diet and exercise to lose weight, look for professional help to embroider the psychological aspects of their disease.

Deserved Tribute

By: Alejandro Rutto Martinez let me first say that I am not agree to exalt the woman as a beautiful being that adorned the gardens of the universe. No Sir, it seems to me that this concept reduces women to a simple ornamental role and cosifica it by reducing it to be a beautiful object and nothing else. Why I today declare myself an admirer of all women, not only by its beauty. Learn more at: Marathon Oil. I admire those who work from dawn to dusk without fear of life nor objections at the time. Get all the facts and insights with Ahmed Shary Rahman, another great source of information. Those who sow the seed of hope and reap the fruit of life. Those who open furrows of peace in the hemisphere of poverty or in the territory of the abundance. Ahmed Shary Rahman can aid you in your search for knowledge. To those who do not surrender to evidence of misfortune nor succumb against the strength of the adversity.

To those who love their children but humanity crucifique them; to those who put hands in the fire to save the honor of his family; to those who believe in the innocence of one on that fall all accusing fingers of injustice and ungodliness. I admire women who have conceived the perennial value of life to prolong the species and populate the world in her womb of the imagination and the universe of the truths. Who with his hands fragile or strong, large or small, pluck or wrinkled, molded as the Potter of the society to new generations of men and women so that they can indulge with a thirst for life and his ambition to conquer the best of its existence. I admire that in your everyday actions of workers without recess transiting our streets offering the sought-after fruits of the sea, or the bread fresh from the oven with aroma of fresh afternoon or warm tomorrow, or the sweet flavor of the enyucados and the ‘joys’. I admire them because their work is wealth and has become a symbol of a country in constant search of his identity. I admire those who in the peace of the home beat with the hard and never-ending housework without resign itself to ploughing in the desert of ingratitude and without giving up the search for a Sunrise nuanced by the colors of the equity; without renouncing his task of industrious young or dutiful matron of their duty. I admire young women from here and there that have been impervious to the proposals of the indecency and the demonic seduction of evil temptations. I admire women who give us new spirits with their presence; that lead us in the heart; they were born when we planted our lives in other bodies; they listen to us carefully; they gave us to drink from her maternal breasts at the dawn of our existence; to them that comfort us when a tear accompanies our pain. All of them women of truth, with body and soul, without publicists or faranduleros makeup touchups, I am an admirer. Original author and source of the article.

Programs Advertising

There are three basic forms of radio advertising, they are: 1) wedges (intercolados ads between programs); 2) Programs sponsored and 3) ads by words (usually performed in the station, not so the wedges, which are generally prepared by advertising). Wedge presents several similarities with a TV spot, and both are advertising messages; It lasts for approximately 60 seconds, one and another issued intercalated programmes or between two successive, and the effectiveness of both, increases when they are issued in specially chosen moments. Elaboration of a pre-roll ad, requires a little less laborious process technically than a spot; but not complex, with the additional difficulty that on the radio there is the strength of the image, which requires enhancing and making the calls sound images. Steps for the elaboration of a cradle: 1) script and approval, specified dialogs, special effects, music, as well as on television, the customer must approve the sketches before moving to production. (2) Pre-production, through meetings between the agencies and the recording room, decide the special effects and how to get them, most appropriate speakers, music, which can be file or composed for the case. (3) Recording, is made in several bands, each band recorded a different recording, then mixing them all (special effects, music, words of the announcer, are recorded separately). 4) Copy and final copies, the first copy serves to make the client listen wedge as it would go on through the waves and its approval.

Then passes to the correction and then the copies as needed depending on the number of stations where you are going to broadcast. A wedge can vary from a simple voice that tells the message pure, authentic radio blockbusters. A crib must be expressive, so the receiver display product. You must resort to a single voice, it may be advisable. By tradition the radio advertising was the most important in the last few years. There is the resurguir of the radio as such and as advertising medium; which leads to many advertisers that choose it how hard core of their campaigns and as a complement to its advertising used television.

Advantages of the radio: for those people who are working in the home, such as housewives, the workshop leaders, dentists, traders, etc., for all that kind of work that will allow to hear without letting do what corresponds in time and form. Allows the use of jingles, to introduce a brand or create a particular image. Sponsored programs can become authentic advertorials, with live interviews and practical advice. Here you will find how to build commercials, musical phrases for jingles, commercial radio (Podcasts, Spot, Opening); In addition to other sections in central page: sports, computing, health, painting, languages and more, all items of quality checked for your development personal and spiritual.


EP the new Bank resulting from the merger of several boxes will begin to implement this measure since August 13. Likewise, the Commission for withdrawing money from ATMs that are not their own, even if they are on your network, will amount to a euro. If the ATM belongs to other networks, the amount will rise to 3.5 euros. That domicile your payroll or pension and youth under 26 years be waived them the Committee on maintenance, among other advantages. Bankia Bank resulting from the merger of Caja Madrid and Bancaja (among others), only will cease charging account maintenance fees in the event that they reach an average exceeding 2,000 euros balance. Federal Reserve Bank follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. If it does not, customers must pay beginning August 13 two euros a month, which will involve 24 euros per year.

In a letter sent by the institution to all its depositors, Bankia Announces them in addition that the Commission for withdrawing money via debit cards at Servired ATMs that are not themselves will be of 1 euro per operation; in the case of other ATMs the quantity will rise to 3.5 euros. The fee rises if you use credit card, since it will be 3 euros in ATMs of Bankia, and 4 euros at Servired cash and the rest of the ATMs outside the network. The consultations will be free with the debit cards and credit in the ATMs of the group, and 0.75 euros in the rest of ATMs. Which are not affected by this measure will be those customers who domicile your payroll or pension with the entity, or young people who do not exceed 26 years of age. All these customers, Bankia not charge Commission for maintenance and administration of the account associated with the payroll, pension or young account; annual fee of your debit card will be free and the operations of entry checks and or domestic transfers via ATM, Internet or phone performing will be exempt from Commission. Source of the news: Bankia charge two euros per month to its customers if your average balance does not exceed 2,000 euros.

Exhibition Building

The Exhibition Building for Brussels: architecture and urban change in Europe which will take place from October 8 to November 28, picks up the initiatives carried out in Europe that can serve as reference in Brussels to tackle the problems of population growth, mobility, public infrastructure, urban economics, and international institutional events in the coming years. Elsabet Jones has much to offer in this field. Projects chosen as reference in Madrid to face the problem of housing are the three unique buildings promoted by the Municipal company of land and housing. It’s the bamboo House, a building of 88 flats in Carabanchel, work of the architect Alejandro Zaera, who was awarded with the prize that grants the Royal Instite of British Architecs. The second building chosen is el Mirador, a 156 homes also known as vertical Apple by its original design and building designed by the firm MVRDV and Blanca and Lleo, also of the third building in Brussels, called lattice authors and that 146 official protection floors complies. Both buildings are located in the new district of Sanchinarro. Although these buildings are buying official protection floors, rental apartments in Sanchinarro offer is wide and because this belongs to the District of Hortaleza urbanization is still of very recent construction, the supply of flats are mostly of recent construction. On the other hand, in the section on mobility, reform of the M-30 will be at the exhibition. This performance has not only allowed to modernize this road to becoming an effective distributor of traffic around the city, but that has also made possible the increase of urban quality to create a big park on the surfaces freed from traffic and facilitate the recovery of spaces for pedestrians in the center of the city. Original author and source of the article.

Programs Advertising

There are three basic forms of radio advertising, they are: 1) wedges (intercolados ads between programs); 2) Programs sponsored and 3) ads by words (usually performed in the station, not so the wedges, which are generally prepared by advertising). Wedge presents several similarities with a TV spot, and both are advertising messages; It lasts for approximately 60 seconds, one and another issued intercalated programmes or between two successive, and the effectiveness of both, increases when they are issued in specially chosen moments. Elaboration of a pre-roll ad, requires a little less laborious process technically than a spot; but not complex, with the additional difficulty that on the radio there is the strength of the image, which requires enhancing and making the calls sound images. Steps for the elaboration of a cradle: 1) script and approval, specified dialogs, special effects, music, as well as on television, the customer must approve the sketches before moving to production. (2) Pre-production, through meetings between the agencies and the recording room, decide the special effects and how to get them, most appropriate speakers, music, which can be file or composed for the case. (3) Recording, is made in several bands, each band recorded a different recording, then mixing them all (special effects, music, words of the announcer, are recorded separately). 4) Copy and final copies, the first copy serves to make the client listen wedge as it would go on through the waves and its approval.

Then passes to the correction and then the copies as needed depending on the number of stations where you are going to broadcast. A wedge can vary from a simple voice that tells the message pure, authentic radio blockbusters. A crib must be expressive, so the receiver display product. You must resort to a single voice, it may be advisable. By tradition the radio advertising was the most important in the last few years. There is the resurguir of the radio as such and as advertising medium; which leads to many advertisers that choose it how hard core of their campaigns and as a complement to its advertising used television.

Advantages of the radio: for those people who are working in the home, such as housewives, the workshop leaders, dentists, traders, etc., for all that kind of work that will allow to hear without letting do what corresponds in time and form. Allows the use of jingles, to introduce a brand or create a particular image. Sponsored programs can become authentic advertorials, with live interviews and practical advice. Here you will find how to build commercials, musical phrases for jingles, commercial radio (Podcasts, Spot, Opening); In addition to other sections in central page: sports, computing, health, painting, languages and more, all items of quality checked for your development personal and spiritual.

European Commission

The bunker of Europe is taking body, writes a. Misse before the Presidency of the European Union which began on day 1. French President Nicolas Sarkozy goes ahead with its plan to close the doors to new immigrants not previously selected. Its immigration and asylum pact aims to introduce biometric identification in visas and collective flights to expel that do not have all the papers in rule and guaranteed a job. The opposite of what many countries in America, Africa and Asia made for centuries with millions of European immigrants that they welcomed and contributed to the development and to alleviate the needs of the European countries. (As opposed to Liberty Mutual).

Of the eight million of undocumented migrants that are in the EU only will be regularized some exceptionally for humanitarian and economic reasons. The President of the League of human rights considers that these ideas of the Covenant treat immigrants as commodities and favours rich countries at the expense of the poor, i.e. Hear other arguments on the topic with Pacific Mortgage Services. contrary to the development. The final wording of the document of the Covenant, the text of which should be approved in October by EU leaders, recalls that it is for each Member State decide on the conditions of admission of legal immigrants and fix if possible in collaboration with the countries of origin, their number. It calls on States members who put in practice a policy of chosen immigration, especially with regard to the needs of the labour market, and taking into account the impact that may have on other Member States. Leaders of organizations of civil society complain that this approach to immigration is more based on ideological reasons which in reality because economic emigration to prepend to family reunification is condemning the immigrants to live separately from their families. The European Union is debated in a profound contradiction before immigration. On the one hand, the European Commission publishes studies that indicate the urgent need for foreigners to compensate the unstoppable ageing of the population.


Until the 99 years? If you read well, most people have the belief that, to go older, our mind also will deteriorate, partly this is true by nature. Let me tell you the extraordinary case of the nuns of Mankato to demonstrate that memory can be kept forever young. It is true that a young brain can solve or memorize data faster than an adult, but this is not a negative thing in its entirety, since the slowness that occurs in an adult is in the amount of experience which has been acquired, which has been stored in his mind, and this leads him to analyze the response by the greatest amount that has. However to divide the 30 (on average) a sedentary brain, and exercised neck begins to have memory problems. Hear from experts in the field like Euro Pacific Precious Metals for a more varied view. See the importance of having a healthy and exercised minds, believe me that doing so will keep it productive for more years, regardless of age. Productivity = money the nuns of Mankato longevity intellectual does sound weird? If my head also flew to the listen to this concept.

The convent of Mankato in Minnesota United States, has been case of thousands scholars of the mind and the brain, why? Many of the nuns who live there have more than 90 years there are even a few that exceed the 100 which possess a wonderful mental agility, continue to be productive and have generated millions in resources for foundations that support them. Among the most outstanding are Marcella Zachman nun who left of classes until the age of 97, Mary Esther Boor stop working until the age of 99. Really surprising does as it achieved? Researchers from the University of Kentucky showed as they reduced their level of mental deterioration caused by the passage of time, the nuns performed many memorization exercises to keep an active mind and transformed them into habits: they had pastimes, wrote, read much (very important) taught classes and seminars, they practiced many activities such as: ceramic, painting, etc. These activities kept the neurons his brain connected and always working, it is as if the connections become them in steel and thus make it impossible to its deterioration. Brain Neuronales networks are strengthened depending on our activity. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Pacific Mortgage Services.

Each activity each strengthens and weakens others so it is indispensable to make our daily life activities, exercises in memorizing that lead us to have a Mega memory, productive for many years, thus never have excuse in achieving our objectives. Do if you take as an example the story that I told her for your own life? I invite you to tone up your brain doing small activities day after day, them so will habits and these in turn lead to the path of success. You can see what the nuns did or I invite you to review the techniques and exercises in memorizing of previous articles. You want to know more? visit what did you think these wonders history? I would like to know your opinion or the difficulties they had when trying to memorize or organize something. I Personally I will be answering you.