Harvey Nash is a pioneer and trend-setter in the Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 Dusseldorf/Ludwigsburg, April 22, 2008 Web 2.0 has ushered in a new era of application. Business networks eliminate the need more and more traditional forms of the application. Harvey Nash de is the first recruitment agency with its own i-suite for the iPhone. Candidates and clients can update via all interfaces to open positions and the status of their applications for the iPhone, said Michael Zondler, Sales Director at Harvey Nash. Our customers can get in real time and everywhere the status of Harvey Nash recruitment later this for their open positions. Harvey Nash is the first recruitment agency, which is iPhone compatible. Zondler next: Harvey Nash RSS feeds provides interested parties any content from our blogs and websites (www.harveynash.com/ group/rss_feeds/index.asp). All of our employees also have a XING Premium account (example:) (www.XING.com/profile/Michael_Zondler).
” In particular, XING occupies an increasingly important role in the application process, confirm also careers advisors like the author Svenja Hofert. It shows in her book of job search and application in the Web 2.0 “on how employees can use the Internet as a career springboard. However, employers also have to put more on the Internet. Many companies are unfortunately still too hesitant to use the new media for the own appearance and the development of the image of the company. Harvey Nash acts far more aggressively.
We operate including the Mobile Forum at XING net/Mobile /. And also in second life, Harvey Nash operates an own presence. Applicants and customers can find together virtually, but analyst conferences are carried out.