In the month of December alone, there are over 10,000 deaths on average more than, for example, in September. Hamburg, December 20, 2010 a current of GBV society for burials and preparedness survey: just before and after Christmas the most people die. In the month of December alone, there are over 10,000 deaths on average more than, for example, in September. Whether there is a link with Christmas, wanted to know more precisely the GBV and asked. According to Federal Statistical Office two percent of deaths to accidents or falls can be approximately attributed. It is prevalent diseases which precede the most deaths.
Older people with heart and circulatory problems are particularly at risk, because the Christmas season can be not only relaxing, but also stressful. In combination with the winter weather quickly weakened the immune system. It increases the risk of death”, so GBV founder Fabian Schaaf. Stress is when many people already in the run-up to Christmas. Gifts buy, clean apartment, eating plan – just for the elderly can be fast too much”, so Schaaf. The family comes together then, will be mostly familiar everyday life on its head. Many people overestimate just”their forces for Christmas, Schaaf explains.
So Christmas will be peaceful and does not end in the hospital, recommends the GBV in dealing with older people some tips to consider. These can be found at any time on the information portal. Early in the Christmas planning to include family members and ask for their wishes and ideas. Plan visiting hours exactly and this account also any rest of older people. Invite prefer to eat and pick up your relatives from home. Offer assistance in the provision of gifts just in the last few days before Christmas. If possible, you visits are divided into the family. Often be many visits with fewer people than the entire extended family to perceived as pleasant one evening. The GBV burials and pension company mbH has its headquarters in Hamburg and operates portals and In addition to the ability to compare offers from loading Stattern,, GBV with runs a free information portal on the subject of burials and precautionary.