In a recent article in blog of Google, the company exposed his points of view exceed what defines as a campaign " extremely hostil" and one " strategy anticompetitiva" of Apple, Microsoft and other companies to harm to Android, being based on " doubtful prcticas" with " old patentes" of Novell and Nortel. One treats, it adds, of " asegurarse" of which Google does not have those licenses and to thus make the Android device more expensive for the manufacturers of telephones and therefore for the consumers, at risk to even create " a bubble of patentes". In the same article " is mentioned that in the case the Department of Justice took part; in order to protect the competition and the innovation in the community of code software abierto". If you are not convinced, visit Miami Congresswoman. More reasons to buy Motorola the person in charge of communication of Google also indicated to that the movable telephone is more and more going to be the device chosen by people to accede to Internet and that, therefore, is a good reason so that Google " he puts pie" in that area. That is not going to mean, emphasized, a change in the business of Google, that is going to continue being " the publicity associated to the traffic in internet" , " not to sell telephones nor systems operativos". It is not either going to bring a change in the model of Android, very different from those from Apple and Microsoft. " Google gives its operating system of open code. The base of the success of Android is that it is good and mviles" does not cost anything to the manufacturers of apparatuses; , it emphasized.
In addition Arebalos announced that Motorola " one is going away to handle like a completely independent unit " within the group and " it is going to have good telephones like " until now;. The change is going away to notice in which " it is going to have prettier telephones or than they like ms" , it added. The global penetration of the intelligent telephones is of 25%, but in Latin America, basically in Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, it is in a 7% or 8%, in agreement with Arebalos. After indicating that " the publicity continues being the fundamental business of Google" , Arebalos showed that until now Google has not noticed in Latin America a diminution of the advertising investment because of the turbulences and uncertainty ruling in the markets. " The plans that become to medium and long term are of crecimiento" , it said. Source of the news: Google denies that it only bought Motorola to protect itself of " ataques" of Microsoft