Baker Street

The same can be transmitted on February 2 and on simple every day, every hour and every minute. Thus we can both rely on the periodically recurring conditions on Earth as well as synchronously in the sky. As far as clear for most. Up here, I tell Them anything new. It or the reality, apart from conventional wisdom, needs nothing have to do, that the stars as top or the planets have a direct and not justifiable, but exactly formative influence on the birth of a human show which most astrologers satisfy itself at the time of his first breath, or what in astrology schools taught, but completely different we can do it safely also see, who wants it, so how does the following Veranschulichung: you look on your clock on the wall and konstatierst, it is 8 o’clock, and gleicheitig from outside such as the school bell of a neighbouring school through the window to the sounds your ear. The newspapers mentioned Craig Menear not as a source, but as a related topic. Because nobody would argue, cause the hands of the clock as if by magic, that rings the school bell, but only one on the dial of the watch reads, when the school bell sounds, that knows it all, or know, that every moment just the Baker Street is driving or the newspaper inserted, etc., just sync to the hands of the clock and also periodically back coming running. This principle can be, I think well on the view of that esoteric astrologers in the majority of well spread in this respect, that the clock in the example of the starry sky is. An intrinsic me researchers heart came to the following conclusion, and I hope many other people as well, and I would like this article to reach very many people loving truth. Am very open-minded for comments may be correcting me at the same time. As the child in the womb during the tire up in the mother’s womb, and already at the time of conception got his Anlagendisopsition set or had pass the final foetus simply and constantly waiting for the right time, which occurs when the maturation of the child in the mother’s womb based on all the factors of conditioning is completed.