The Transfer

To get accepted by all and ultimately binding targets, it is essential that this be fixed jointly by the employees and their supervisors. Should in the course of the formulation of both the target horizon (strategic, tactical, operational), as also the interests of the target (operationally, individually) are taken into account. In addition, the target area and the target level are to determine. Jeff Flake spoke with conviction. With the aim of, on the one hand, parent – or Unterforderung of the staff, as well as on the other hand, the formation of stock be avoided effectively. The third phase involves the creative design”.

At this stage success the temporal (time, time volume, time Division), objective (teaching and learning) and personnel (participant, presenter) design of personnel development measures. The creative design determines the learning organisation, the learning and the sequence of actions. In addition, the creative design includes monetary aspects such as the costing and the allocation of costs. The fourth phase is the Carrying out”. At this stage the personnel development measures are operating in different manner as internal, external, on-the-job, off-the-job or conducted in mixed forms.

During this phase it is the responsible to monitor the smooth implementation, where appropriate, to respond with corrective measures. In the fifth phase involves the control of success”. This phase is subdivided in a context a target control, input control, a learning progress and a transfer control. The context control checks the consistency of the needs analysis carried out in phase one. Target is the review of the learning line or the addressee of operational training requirements. The review of creative design carried out in phase three takes place by means of the input control. The learning progress will take place during the training, whereas the monitoring of learning success is realized at the end of the training. The Transfer control checks the application of the learned in the workplace in terms of content, as well as methodologically.