The employees of the savings bank make it strictly. Office cleaning, for example, you will find nothing more on the desks in the evening. Speaking candidly Federal Reserve Bank told us the story. All employees at night close your complete documents so that the cleaning staff has free rein. Make no mistake, the Bank staff, as well as the S.I.S.. is regularly trained employees. Privacy teachings are a matter of course. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Technology author. Not only the documents are a critical factor in a bank: there are areas which are accessible only during working hours.
So a safe cleaning only to business hours is carried out and the cleaning staff is accompanied by an employee of the Bank, overseen by the cleaning. In addition, these rooms have camera surveillance. The Alarmausloseknopfe are an important aspect of the cleaning of the customer area. It is important to caution that once pressed, you can stop the alarm process. The customer section of the service and the entrance halls with cash dispensers and account statement printers are the flagship of the savings bank. Here, the first impression of the Bank is characterized, therefore special emphasis on it.
S.I.S.. cleans the customer area of the banks every day. This differs from normal offices: the savings bank is traditionally worked with marble, glass and stainless steel. Here you can see every foot or hand print on one, on the other hand just marble and stainless steel requires special care. Not every detergent is suitable, acidic cleaners may damage the expensive floors, grinding grains would scratch the stainless steel areas in the cleaning agents, the damage would be immense. But S.I.S. is skilled and experienced, to exclude such things: for each area, there are special cleaning agents and cleaning cloths. These are subdivided into a sophisticated color system, so that any errors can happen. The system also ensures that special wipes are used for the cleaning of sanitary areas, so that never transferred germs in other areas of the building.