The European Union has increased to 227 million Euros, 17 million more of initially anticipated, the aid to the agriculturists by the bud of E.coli. This increase will allow to compensate the one hundred percent of requests demanded by the countries affected by the crisis of the cucumber. Spain, the harmed country more, will receive the highest aid, of 70.9 million. For even more analysis, hear from Meg Nibbi. The European Union (the EU) has increased to 227 million Euros, 17 million more of the initially predicted thing, the aid to the European agriculturists by the losses suffered as a result of the infectious bud caused by the bacterium " E.coli" . The Committee of Management, that reunites to experts of the Twenty-seven, decided east Thursday that increase, which it will allow to compensate the one hundred percent of requests demanded by the countries, informed the European Commission in an official notice. Spain, the harmed country more because the German authorities indicated in principle to Spanish cucumber games like origin of the infection, will be more beneficiary by the aid, with 70.9 million Euros.
After Spain, those that more aid will receive will be Poland (46.3 million), Italy (34.6 million) and Holland (27.1 million). " I propose to increase the budget available to be able to pay all the requests. This will guarantee the support adapted to our vegetable producers in these times of economic difficulty for sector" , the European commissioner of Agriculture said, Dacian Ciolos, in an official notice. The aid will compensate the losses suffered by the producers by retirement of the cucumber market, tomatos, lettuce, marrows and peppers, between the 26 of May and the 30 of June, From the same will benefit so much the producers grouped in organizations like the independent ones. These last ones represent 64.5% of the sector in the European Union and 67.6% in Spain. The Committee of communitarian agrarian and cooperative organizations (GLASS COGECA) valued the increase of the aid, although it noticed that the number continues being insufficient. Also, it demanded that it compensates " the one hundred percent " of the losses of the agriculturists and who include other products, in particular the peaches, the nectarines and the watermelons. Source of the news: Spain will finally receive a compensation of 71 million Euros by ' crisis of pepino'