Tag Archives: loneliness

Hepatic Transplantation

One step from the transplant already we were in emergency, the guards already knew of the liver transplant even already knew us, Rupert was one of them. We passed and we sat down to wait for the second call of Shirley, the nurse was a cloudy, cold night, could not talk, wasn’t the Moon, nor the luceros where there will be gone? I do not know! we only expected, so many memories raced in mind, many dreams could become a reality or turned into nightmares, only we had hoped! Anguish, beating in each pulse of our arteries already it was on the last rung of the ladder, from there there was only silence and solitude, above only was God, equal that in Hamlet, the rest is silence! The chilly, unpleasant and desabrido silence of solitude as he used to say Ingmar Bergman the leaden grey sky of solitude and while diving between quotes and metaphors, between dreams and oasis ringing of the fono, returned me to life cruel was already close to midnight, began on October 15, 2009! If? – I said – Mr Pedro enter emergency! If Shirley, I know that according to the Protocol! Smiled step by step, according to the Protocol of transplant, I went to admission I admitted, I went to topic of surgery I Historiaron, then came Dr. Felix Carrasco and Cecilia Yeren Hello doctor! – greeted me-

I’m doctor. Replied Les with happiness, optimistic, quiet sounded with the transplant God and if it is for me? I operate today, and in a few hours would already be with new liver! Dios Mio! – repeated – while he caressed my icy fingers I examined, saw my old scar, looked and then running A radiography for chest, then to electrocardiography, A laboratory, plate for all analytics. A cliche for the AGA how it hurts this test!, Inter consultation with cardiologist, vital signs with nursing, rest in camilla, media time, a time, a century until alert you that they go to the floor of hospitalization the finalists!, came Dr. Martin Padilla, they were already the 1 and 30 am spoke with doctors, to nurses in emergency coordinated with the floor, talked, coordinated, looked at us, we looked then approached Carlos and me, were the two finalists will both rise! – said -, outlining a smile do I doctor? me? – asked incredulous, surprised, anxious if and repeated if Miguel, you!!! Heart climbed of sanity and I threatened to climb out of the chest you like it reassures I obeyed!, Carlitos was in a wheelchair and it went I was in camilla and without shoes climbed on hospitalization walking without shoes and shoes?. Jeff Sessions has similar goals.