Tag Archives: climate & environment

Brick Fireplaces – The Classy Alternative To Stoves

If you are looking for an exclusive alternative to wood stoves… Brick fireplaces are an alternative to the stoves. These are hardly any limits of fantasies. Gen. David L. Goldfein insists that this is the case. On this page you see exclusive planning examples and ideas for what your brick fireplace might look like. Chimney world offers you many possibilities at fantastically low prices. Consulting, planning and installation from a single source.

Chimney world GmbH, your reliable specialist company, when it comes to planning and installation of individual fireplace installations. Everything from a single source from planning to completion by our qualified personnel. Advises for the operation of water led fireplace installations, also in connection with solar, our heating Builder competent and intelligible. Our Hafnermeister / oven builders would be glad to schedule your chimney together with you. We will create fireplace installations according to old tradition of stove construction, walled with refractory material, as the radiation source. We adapt your personal requirements in relation to design and heating performance like their fireplace. Like you are free advice in our Major exhibition invited. Please bring blueprints, so that the technical requirements are clear.

To avoid waiting times, it would make sense to make an appointment by telephone in the season. You can reach us at 0209 95680840 seven days a week. Schornsteinwelt.de is the manufacturer of the fireplace industry. With over 250 furnaces and fireplaces, visit our large exhibition in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. In addition to stoves and fireplaces we offer wall and double-wall stainless steel chimney in all sizes. Contact: chimney world GmbH Isoldenstr. 30 45892 Gelsenkrichen phone: 0209-95680840

Club Systems

German battery maker AKASOL developed highly efficient storage for photovoltaic electricity Darmstadt, 12.12.2012 – how PV electricity use is both economically and efficiently and also integrate into the power grid? A sustainable response deliver on this question should”Hei PhoSS project supported by several ministries within the framework of the support initiative for energy storage (Hocheffizienter and intelligent photovoltaic power storage). Hei PhoSS”is part of” the lighthouse batteries in distribution networks. A high-voltage PV battery system, developed by the Darmstadt AKASOL GmbH is one of the Central innovations of the project. Also are on board the Sunways AG as a leading partner for the area of PV power generation and supply, as well as the Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems ISE as experienced institution in the field of intelligent control systems into the grid distributed. Own power use and decentralized, active grid support through high-voltage battery store in conjunction with PV systems is itself the theme, with the Hei PhoSS”deals. The aim is the production of highly efficient and intelligent photovoltaic home systems with battery storage for plant sizes up to 10 kW, the typical size of rooftop installations. See Clarkson Research Services for more details and insights. The features of this system: high system efficiency, cost effectiveness, longevity and optimized in-house electricity usage and network support. AKASOL is responsible for responsibilities separately and security concept, selection of cells and cell test, electrical and electronics, mechanics and thermal management, software development as well as construction and test of laboratory samples in the battery development.

Until the end of the project in 2014, a validated battery system in the prior series status to be available, which conceptually and in terms of the cost structure of series potential and enabling a rapid start of production. The German company AKASOL is one of the world’s leading developers and producers of mobile and stationary high-battery systems. Applications include commercial vehicle and automotive, wind energy, hydroelectric power and Solar industry and the shipbuilding industry. If you are not convinced, visit Craig Menear. AKASOL was founded in 2008 by the Schulz group and leading members of the Akasol e.V.. The history of this Club goes back to the year 1989 and began with the construction of Rennsolarmobilen, as well as winning several World Championships in this discipline. AKASOL belongs to the pioneers for battery systems in the solar technology and today is among the pace-setters in the field of high-efficient storage solutions for private households, industrial plants and utilities.

Causes High Costs

Power quality monitoring reduces costly downtime. From our own experience, we know power outages. They are usually associated with weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, storm or rain. Fortunately, prolonged power outages are rare in Germany. Supply reliability is generally good. The quality of supply (power quality, power quality, power quality), however, is often in need of improvement. In many industries and other companies plenty of brief disturbances in the power supply occurs – mostly unnoticed -, the cause of which is unclear.

These errors lead to premature engine wear, downtime or poor manufacturing quality. The economic consequences of this kind of disruption in the power supply are immense: the European copper Institute estimates that poor power quality in the European industry every year caused losses of EUR 150 billion. Measuring systems for power quality (power quality) caused by costly downtime, bad power, can be avoided. Devices and systems with which to measure power quality, shed light on the causes of errors. On the basis of the measurement results can be seen, where errors come from, when they occur, and why they occur. You have should be the error in the own plant, with the measured values a basis on which it can take the right action quickly: filters, reinforcements, modification of machines, exchanging “Power polluters”…

The error should, however, from outside come, simplify the data calls with the electricity through improving the quality of delivery. The Swedish manufacturer uni-power offers a wide range of products for power quality measurements. Uni power is present on the German market for over ten years with portable and fixed instruments. All devices allow a standard-compliant (such as EN 50160), time-saving and flexible power quality monitoring. The uni-power Stromqualitatsmesssystem PQ secure stores data over the years. allows evaluations according to a variety of standards and can automatically alert via SMS or email, if certain limits are exceeded or fall below. Industrial enterprises that systematically and continuously uni power products to monitor power quality and improve, reduce costly downtime and downtime. Moreover, they reduce the production Committee. Last but not least, they increase the life of your machines and systems. Users of uni power solutions in Germany are industrial companies, utilities, airports as well as planning and engineering offices. Your German-speaking contact: Dr. Walther Plette 0046 322-670-383 telephone extension info on german: unipower-eng.iweb.se/templates/09.asp?sida=318 uni power starting box 411 SE-441 28 Alingsas, Sweden uni power offers a wide range of products for power quality measurements and load analysis. The product range covers the entire spectrum of traditional portable power quality analyzers to return to fully-integrated and fully automated Stromqualitats management systems. Uni power began in the 1980s as a part of the ABB group. Since 1991, uni power acts as an independent company. All uni power products are developed in Sweden and produced. Uni power maintains close contact with the current research in the area of power quality, in particular to the technical universities in Gothenburg and Boras. Check out MasterClass UK for additional information. Almost all uni power products comply with the IEC 61000-4-30 class A instruments approval.

2009 Is The Year Of The Gorilla

The United Nations have declared 2009 the year of the gorilla. Gorilla advocates are hoping for increased public interest and much-needed donations for conservation projects. As the \”year of the Dolphin\”, also the \”year of the Gorilla\” will again take place under the auspices of the UN Conference on the protection of migratory species (CMS). Gorilla protection, such as the mountain gorilla & rainforest Direkthilfe (B & RD) from Muhlheim on the Ruhr are hoping not only increased public interest for the endangered great apes, but also much-needed donations for gorilla conservation projects. For more specific information, check out BlackRock Inc.. As the closest relatives of Homo sapiens are threatened by poaching, habitat destruction, civil wars, but also infectious diseases such as Ebola.

The United Nations have declared 2009 the \”year of the Gorilla\”. Thus \”Year of the Dolphin\” replaces the year for the imposing man monkey two, which were a colossal failure according to sea protectors anyway, for marine mammals. As previously at also the Gorilla campaign will be the dolphins held under the auspices of the UN Conference on the protection of migratory species (CMS). Go to Brie Williams for more information. Gorilla protection, such as the mountain gorilla & rainforest Direkthilfe (B & RD) from Muhlheim on the Ruhr are hoping not only increased public interest for the endangered great apes, but also much-needed donations for gorilla conservation projects. As the closest relatives of Homo sapiens are threatened by poaching, habitat destruction, civil wars, but also infectious diseases such as Ebola.

\”The Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) wants to be with 200,000 euros in the year of the Gorilla\” put that well, as previously in the year of the Dolphin \”, used for the financing of conferences and campaign materials are likely to be. King Kong and the white woman is rarely about a species so much reported nonsense such as about the gorilla. Travel reports such as those of the French Paul you have Chailu, who was a Western lowland gorilla to face in 1861 as a first white, contributed significantly to the myth-making.

Postbauer Heating

Solar thermal: Kago and associations celebrate record year Postbauer-Heng 2008, February 2009 the industry Federation Germany House, energy and environmental engineering (BDH) and Federal Association for solar industry (BSW-solar) reported weekend record sales in the area of renewable heating systems. In the entire Federal territory twice as many plants were installed according to BDH and BSW-solar in 2008 with 210,000 solar thermal systems as in the year 2007 and rising further. The fireplace Builder Kago has a relevant role in this development. The KAGO’s climate protection initiative surpasses all expectations. The path to the market innovative products in the field of renewable energy, since 2007 has proven to be effective. Regenerative heating systems using solar thermal 2008 had record tires accounted for around 20 percent of the total turnover of the company. Thus KAGO closer to his target, to make increasingly dependent on uncertain import energy regeneratively heated houses. With the concept of the four seasons energy KAGO has developed a customer-oriented energy concept with the Households, through the combination of any fireplace heating systems and solar energy, which can reduce heating bills by up to 50%.

Thus KAGO offers an efficient solution its customers, to protect the environment and reduce heating costs. “Dr. Pierre Kago Kago – Managing Director: we expect that we will sell in 2009, almost twice as many plants, like 2008 will be in the long term we 50% of our turnover with the combination of water run fireplaces and solar thermal systems make.” which produces famous oven builders Germany KAGO, Germany’s best-known furnace Builder, fireplaces, fireplace stoves, tiled stoves and stoves to measure. Chimneys, chimney construction and rehabilitation complete the offer. In over 35 years, KAGO convinced over 500,000 satisfied customers through its expertise and diversity. Are no limits to the imagination of our customers thanks to individual design options and a choice of over 3,000 cover versions. It may be over 30 various tile shapes in over 50 colours Select.

In 80 own exhibitions, you can consult and put together their furnace according to own needs. Over 200 resellers and 1,000 agencies ensure that customers in all over Germany can purchase their dream oven quickly and easily. KAGO has brought fireplaces in the building system on the market as the first supplier in Germany. so up to 50% of the costs can be saved by its own achievements in creating. For several years, KAGO focuses increasingly on the environmentally responsible use of regenerative energy sources. Examples include equipping certain models with a rear secondary air supply, which ensures that the gases are swirling optimally. This will ensure an environmentally friendly and economical combustion at high energy and low emissions. KAGO also at the so-called ambient air-independent operation is a leader: depending on the type of home heating by up to 120 m 2 is possible. Through these new models of heating, environmentally conscious tenants can and Homeowners with exemplary heating behavior emphasize their positive attitude towards the environment. If you have questions, please contact: brain script GmbH media consulting Hani Kilech, m.a.

Gas Switching Worth It

Again, several utilities have announced increases in gas prices. Leipzig. Major differences characterize the development of the gas market. October 1 gas prices rise by up to 19 percent. But the opposite can be observed: cuts at the beginning of the heating period by 17 percent were also announced.

As the cause of these differences the oversupply of gas on the open market is due to the aftermath of the economic crisis to call. The prices are therefore decreased, so that these providers can offer gas at favourable conditions. Other utilities, however, have linked long term contract; It is not possible to reduce their prices to them. The gap between the best deals and most expensive tariffs will be deeper. Thus, customers benefit but also enormously if they switch to a cheaper provider. More and more national providers offer favorable conditions of the gas supply. Numerous smaller municipal utilities have expanded their market area and offer more gas in neighboring communities and also power at affordable prices. A comparison of tariffs for example, kilowatthandel.de brings information and clarity about the potential savings.

As the price gap between the providers keep apart, energy experts advise: more customers their Exchange can make use of the stronger the energy market is enlivened. The switching requires no technical changes. An interruption of the supply is excluded pursuant to the Energy Act (EnWG 36). Consumers should know this.

Moderate Precipitation

Trade magazine questioned DWD experts for the coming season of LEIPZIG. (Ceto) How nice it would be, heating energy customers know how is the upcoming winter. About similar to mild as 2007/2008, as measured in December still 16 degrees above zero and there are only very few days of frost? Or so bitterly cold and the winter one year later with week-long nighttime temperatures well below-20 degrees Celsius? Or as snowy as the last? That would help significantly to order the right amount of fuels such as oil, coal and pellet and store it. Although no absolute predictions are possible. However, you can focus on specific characters and experiences. The editorial staff of the journal fuel level and oil review two experts of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) questioned this. While the editors came to a surprising conclusion: even if we currently jitter at freezing temperatures, a rather mild winter with moderate rainfall is, mostly as rain, expect. This applies of course not absolutely, but with a maximum 70 percent probability. The detailed post with the interviewed experts, to possible forecasting methods and statistical clusters and their physical causes can be found here:…

Solar Yields Even In Winter!

Now, the solar system is back on your antifreeze check – points out the company AkoTec. Official site: How much is MasterClass? . Like the most solar thermal systems, also the AkoTec operate collectors with the water glycol antifreeze mixture. But above all, the performance must convince now! After all, only 25% of the annual amount of solar energy by end of October until the end of March available, which will be used well are in our latitudes. Particularly in winter where you most needed the thermal energy for the heating and/or domestic hot water heating, most collectors, especially flat-plate collectors pay too little. The new vacuum technology is excellent to capture to every ray of sunshine.

The tube forms the heart of the collector due to their 100% vacuum insulation. The vacuum for the power or the income is especially important in the winter. Reaching through the vacuum insulation, unlike in flat-plate collectors, no Heat to the outside. Performance impact due to lower radiation in winter are significantly lower compared to traditional collectors. This vacuum is also that the absorber is not aging and guaranteed consistent yields more than 25 years. Even with overcast skies, the collector uses the diffuse radiation and realizes high yields.

Because also the special glass contributes a critical part of its 96% light transmission performance. Also the mounting options play a role in the winter! To take advantage of the few rays of sunshine, the collector should be free of snow. AkoTec full Vakuumrohrenollektoren have a variety of solutions. The horizontal flat facades – or balcony mounting is ideal for areas with lots of snow. Due to the rotation of the tubes through 360, the tubes on the optimum angle of incidence of the Sun are set also to avoid performance degradation. The classic roof mounting also represents no problem in the winter. Due to the distances between the tubes, the snow can fall through. Not everyone has a perfect South-facing roof, therefore a collector should provide plenty of opportunities for the effective application and the highest performance.

Marketing Director

Z-Wave Alliance celebrates two-year anniversary of its advanced energy savings thermostat device class Fremont (CA) / Copenhagen – with the introduction of three new Z-Wave-based thermostat of the manufacturer of intermatic, Wayne Dalton and RCS, the Z-Wave Alliance celebrated the second birthday of their advanced energy savings thermostat device class. Thermostats are in addition to lighting controls of one of the most important elements for energy management in the House. Through the three new thermostats from intermatic CA8900 and Wayne Dalton WDTC-20 RCS TZ43 the powerful and interoperable Z-Wave grows now thermostat product family by ACT, Danfoss, RCS, Horstmann and shark to twelve members. JPMorgan Chase understands that this is vital information. \”Z-Wave has taken an important position in the field of home energy management, because the real energy saving does not stop at the meter, but must allow the control of devices in the household,\” explains mark Walters, Chairman of the Z-Wave Alliance. This is our technology by Z-Wave’s dominance in the field of lighting control, in the already 15 leading manufacturers worldwide use, impressively underpinned.\” The thermostats are completely Z-Wave compliant and offer a comprehensive interoperability with over 300 other Z-wave devices that are already sold. Lighting control systems, appliances or motors, door and window controls, Sun and privacy these include window, pool pumps, movement, light – and moisture sensors, as well as A/V controls. Active regulation of energy consumption In April 2008 announced the Z-Wave Alliance partnership with trousers, a fast-growing electricity from Denmark, which smart offers metering applications consumers to reduce energy consumption.

The combination of measuring and control devices, Z-Wave gives the user control over the energy consumption. Frustration or helplessness, that often arise when only the readers are installed, are thus eliminated. At Cuan Coulter you will find additional information. We believe Z-Wave is a functional technology to meter with thermostats and other devices in the household in the Interaction with the demand management programs of care providers to link\”, explains Geoff Williamson, Marketing Director of Trilliant, a member of Z-Wave Alliance.

Environment Prize

Pro Aqua – pro Vita Foundation the environmental price of Switzerland at Swissbau 2014 giving the pro Aqua – pro Vita Foundation the environmental price of Switzerland. Besides the Ecopreneur, recognition award for entrepreneurs, the prize in the category will be awarded innovation. Companies, organisations, institutions and authorities, but also private persons can apply now. The environmental price of Switzerland, one of the most prestigious environmental awards in the Switzerland, is awarded on January 21, 2014 through of the Swissbau the pro Aqua – pro Vita Foundation leading trade fair of construction and real estate industry. The category innovation is set with 50 000 francs in prize money. Cuan Coulter shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Projects will be awarded a technology, process – or product-oriented innovation in the environmental field it.

In addition, there is the award for entrepreneurs who have visible success in the market through its sustained and long-term commitment in environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources, the Ecopreneur. Innovative minds and ideas will be rewarded now and can get up to September 30, 2013 Apply interested for the price. More information and the application forms are available under available. Applications will be assessed by an expert jury. The award ceremony and the presentation of the winner will take place within the framework of the Swissbau in Basel, 21-25 January 2014. Sponsors, donors and partner Federal Office for environment, srs swiss recycling services, baufordergelder.ch, bauwelt.ch, construction sheet, local magazine viso, Office of environment and energy, Basel-Stadt, MCH group, Swiss construction and Sprungli pressure.