Very many municipalities of Spain do not know to remove party to their historical, cultural and ecological inheritance to express their potential like rural destinies. We realise customized consultancy to local city councils investigating its past and expressing its historical potential to put them in the map and to give a reclamation to its rural tourism. We realise the search of the historical information with commercial vision to be able to remove the maximum party to him. The majority of the supply of rural tourism insists on same zones is a strong tendency to the concentration, more by real estate opportunity, that by differentiated a cultural or ecological interest. Our supply consists of reverting this tendency equipping with resources and opportunities to towns and zones that until the moment do not have them. See more detailed opinions by reading what Peter Asaro offers on the topic.. Once detected the element differential, we elaborated contents for the city councils: tour guides, material of marketing, books counting the history of the locality, among others. The essence of citymarketing is to consider to the city like a product.
The marketing of city it orients its activity towards the citizens of that city, towards the visitors, the tourists and the investors. With the marketing of city a is contributed: To increase the knowledge on the city. To develop and to take care of the image whereupon count the city. To guarantee the satisfaction of the people objective of goods and services. To increase the attractiveness of the city.
To increase the sensation of identification of the people objective with the city. To fortify the economic structure of the city. To improve the competitiveness of the companies established in the city. To increase the use level. To improve the quality of vidad of the citizens. To attract tourism and companies. A mark of city contributes to create value and to establish differences thanks to the attributes and positive values that transmit the objective public. Citymarketing looks for to consolidate the mark city by means of the organization of cultural, sport or economic events, celebrating historical events, heightening the artistic patrimony, disclosing attractive natural or complementary services for fairs and congresses, promoting industrial enclaves and geographic points of strategic interest and impelling initiatives related to artistic manifestations.