Happy Hens And Happy Easter

“Organic caterer select catering Berlin with good Easter news for Berlin Easter Bunny good news in numbers equal to advance: first German consumer in the fourth bought Barn eggs quarter 2009 with 51.7% majority, that shared eggs & poultry market info now” with. Free-range eggs gave it a market share 24.5% and eggs in organic quality achieved a market share of 6.6%. This increase in sales and consumer awareness was clearly to the detriment of the eggs from caged hens. Organic is always emphatically requires eggs and poultry from the consumer. It’s about the pure taste of food, but also the fear of resistant to poison the body over the years with pesticides and fertilizers. In comparison, Demeter poultry gets 100% organic food and up to 4 hens are allowed per square meter movement face in bright stalls and dry winter gardens. This at least 4 square meters are prescribed expiry for each animal, a spout, which every day must be accessible.

Recent research on epigenetics just the importance of the environment on the development of best genes. Who has seen the breeding and egg production of a large operation with cages, will see immediately the price difference of a few cents to eggs in organic quality. In Demeter holdings, more than 3,000 laying hens are allowed per building. Valves in each chicken flock ensure peace and harmony. The Coupieren and retouching the beaks is of course prohibited in all Demeter holdings. Animal welfare plays a role so, avoiding unnecessarily long delivery distances and regionality.

Of course, it is still to promote the show for organic standards and organic products. Therefore here a note for the Easter Monday in Berlin: the domain of Dahlem loads as each year to the popular hide Easter eggs and find a, intended as a trip for the whole family. Small incentive: the colorful dyed Easter eggs and delicacy in organic treats for the first 1,000 children and may the parents then age appropriate on the estate and the orchards of the former Manor tucked. “And who does not manage this year to visit the Domaine Dahlem: green oasis” with their market festivals, a wide leadership programme and concerts the Agriculture Museum and former Manor is always worth a visit also after Easter. Very highly recommended: tractor rides over the fields with large machines or small pedal tractors, a journey that is worthwhile.