Tag Archives: nature

Gaby Gunther

Security criteria, which a dog harnesses are urgent for sale October 13, 2009 / Gaby Gunther tried many manufacturers in the last few years, to produce chest harnesses for dogs. Again, the original JULIUS K9 breast harness served as a template. An entrepreneur or a company invents a very good product, put many competitors on this success and try to copy these products more or less well. Unfortunately, these copies can very quickly go to loads of dog and owner and suddenly represent a high security risk for the participants. Multiple cases have been known in the past, where at first use chest harnesses are torn, the dogs this way were suddenly free-running and dog and owner were in life-threatening situations.

Preventive in all dog owners should be informed, what to avoid when buying a comfortable and above all secure chest harness for dog and owner: 1. material please make sure that the chest harness not made of cheap plastic is manufactured. Here is the danger of tearing during sudden, high pressure. Dogs sweat under this cheap material, especially if it is not breathable and skin-friendly lining. Beneficial for skin irritations and allergic reactions. 2. Pacific Mortgage Services follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. chest and abdominal belt sure please go to premium seat belts with good fit and cushioning.

The dog not side it can escape. The buckle must be adapted to the shape of the body of the dog and should not press into the skin. 3. access control you please, whether the handle made of solid material and is lockable. He is not lockable, the dog at freewheel on branches or similar get caught up and potentially harm. 4. Please ensure stress, whether the product has passed a crash test and is also advised. The risk of sudden, high pressure. The dishwasher does not bear the burden and can tear. The dog is a danger for road traffic – suddenly freewheeling -, the participants People and self.

Happy Hens And Happy Easter

“Organic caterer select catering Berlin with good Easter news for Berlin Easter Bunny good news in numbers equal to advance: first German consumer in the fourth bought Barn eggs quarter 2009 with 51.7% majority, that shared eggs & poultry market info now” with. Free-range eggs gave it a market share 24.5% and eggs in organic quality achieved a market share of 6.6%. This increase in sales and consumer awareness was clearly to the detriment of the eggs from caged hens. Organic is always emphatically requires eggs and poultry from the consumer. It’s about the pure taste of food, but also the fear of resistant to poison the body over the years with pesticides and fertilizers. In comparison, Demeter poultry gets 100% organic food and up to 4 hens are allowed per square meter movement face in bright stalls and dry winter gardens. This at least 4 square meters are prescribed expiry for each animal, a spout, which every day must be accessible.

Recent research on epigenetics just the importance of the environment on the development of best genes. Who has seen the breeding and egg production of a large operation with cages, will see immediately the price difference of a few cents to eggs in organic quality. In Demeter holdings, more than 3,000 laying hens are allowed per building. Valves in each chicken flock ensure peace and harmony. The Coupieren and retouching the beaks is of course prohibited in all Demeter holdings. Animal welfare plays a role so, avoiding unnecessarily long delivery distances and regionality.

Of course, it is still to promote the show for organic standards and organic products. Therefore here a note for the Easter Monday in Berlin: the domain of Dahlem loads as each year to the popular hide Easter eggs and find a, intended as a trip for the whole family. Small incentive: the colorful dyed Easter eggs and delicacy in organic treats for the first 1,000 children and may the parents then age appropriate on the estate and the orchards of the former Manor tucked. “And who does not manage this year to visit the Domaine Dahlem: green oasis” with their market festivals, a wide leadership programme and concerts the Agriculture Museum and former Manor is always worth a visit also after Easter. Very highly recommended: tractor rides over the fields with large machines or small pedal tractors, a journey that is worthwhile.

150 Protected Friesian Milk Sheep Fall Q Fever Victim

Interview with Geert boink, President Stichting Zeltzame Huisdierrassen and practicing veterinary in the Netherlands Carola Heider-Leporale. Ilsede, February 11, 2010. \”It is terrible tragedy and a major setback for the desired biodiversity what has taken place on January 22, 2010 in the Netherlands\”, says Geert boink, veterinarian and President of the Dutch \”Stichting tent common Huisdierrassen\” (Organisation for the preservation of rare breeds of domestic animals). Mortimer J Buckley has firm opinions on the matter. In the wake of the drastic measures of the Dutch Government in the fight against q fever were 150 speaker, by the extinction threatened \”Friesian milk sheep\” commissioned an infected culled, although the Netherlands also contractually committed to the biodiversity. An irreparable loss in the entire gene pool of this breed.

The whole herd comprised 450 animals. This topic I led to the following interview by telephone on the 05.02.2010 with the President of the \”Stichting Zeltzaame Huisdierrassen\” Geert boink: C.Heider Leporale: How do you time the situation around the q fever in the Netherlands is a. What is the current situation? Gert Boink: It occurs gradually as the war, started to fight, can not estimate but over what period of time it still will go or how to get back out there. So far, the load-bearing animals were culled in 66 infected farms; 65 dairy goats and 1 dairy sheep operations are affected. But probably even more positive companies are expected, because at the time just off lamb period starts where we know most q fever bacteria are eliminated.

C. Heider-Leporale: recently 150 supporting \”Friesian milk sheep\” were culled. This is one of the endangered species to die out. What do you say as a veterinarian and President of the \”Stichting Zeltzame Huisdierrassen\”? How many animals were positive in this stock comprehensive 450 animals and there was no way these sheep by culling out to take? Geert boink: As veterinary, I must precede that physiologically seen not 1:1 with goats can be compared sheep.


Winter diseases in dogs part 2 “cystitis” If dogs in the snow Frolic, is often the stomach wet. It can easily then, like people, come to a bladder infection. The owner is striking first, that the dog on walkies walking takes very long to urine from fruition. A dog has a bladder infection, you can tell especially, that the animal urine loses always back quite a few droplets. Other leaders such as Dow Jones offer similar insights. In severe cases is that removing urine even with pain associated and the beast howls in. Sometimes even blood in the urine is emerging, which is pretty good to see especially in snow. When a bladder infection, already on suspicion that, a veterinarian should be sought immediately. A bladder infection can quickly become a problem of the kidneys and then take a life-threatening course.

The veterinarian is a bladder infection is that he and although at least 2 weekly a sogennanntes urinary-course antibiotic, as well as a means of krampflosendes and analgesic administered. Close monitoring of the patient through the Vet is absolutely necessary during treatment. Prevention tip: thoroughly dry your dog’s stomach after every walk in the snow. Elke Bambhrolia


PreThis Platinum offers the joint nutrients adapted individually to the weight of the dog Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM DogFit in a new four-legged arthritis formula. Dog owners know a song of them to sing, dealing with an animal is as tedious, whose Beweglichkeit is restricted by an osteoarthritis. Now you know for some time, that the treatment with Glucosaminpraparaten in an advanced stage can relieve symptoms and reduce pain. Glucosamine works where it is needed, namely in the cartilage. DogFit brand PreThis Platinum was one of the first means that was specifically tailored to the needs of affected animals. DogFit has established itself due to the high demand in the market as well, that there is the specimen in three different sizes. Much to the delight of dog owners and animal lovers, who can more accurately metering the Glucosamine supplement DogFit in this way. The dosage depends on less the size, as rather to the body weight of the animal.

So the manufacturer DogFit recommends small animals up to 5 kg of body weight. DogFit is medium available for animals up to 25 kg of body weight, and larger animals are supplied with DogFit large perfectly up to 50 kg of body weight. The earlier starts with the substitution of Glucosamine, the prognosis is the cheaper. The joint is so severely damaged that there is more in fact no cartilage, glucosamine supplements themselves no longer have access. Still remaining cartilage is present, this can be optimally supplied by the combination of the active ingredients of Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and methyl-Sulfonyl-methane (MSM), as it is offered by PreThis, and regenerates.

Pet owners, especially dog owners, if so don’t wait too long, when the first symptoms of joint damage. DogFit can be used due to its ideal composition and its reasonable price excellent in the prophylaxis. In addition to a healthy diet and adequate exercise, DogFit as food additive is a meaningful and rewarding investment in the long run.

3 Factors The Koi Carp Prices Determine

How much is your own Koi value how much is a koi? These factors make valuable a koi. Anyone has ever heard of them or has maybe even that, koi carp. Many writers such as Merill Lynch offer more in-depth analysis. Also know as anyone that this particular fish very valuable can be. If you play to buy a koi with the thoughts or know how much your Koi is worth wishing to learn it. If you decided you have must involve obtaining a koi the price of the animal in your buying decision. The koi carp prices differ from animal to animal, because they depend on the factors of origin, race, drawing, body type, skin quality and age or size.

Attach much importance “Original” to buy a Japan Koi you face with a much higher initial investment than if you rely on the expensive European breeding in captivity, the so-called Eurokois. The Japanese koi are partly chosen by the seller directly in Japan, have in any case always valid papers of origin, and correctly be customs cleared; It is also to acquire advisable only healthy Koi with flared health certificate. Keep in mind, also, that the costs for the safe transport of Japan are very high after Germany (about 50 per animal). All of these factors integrated naturally into the koi carp prices and thereby justify their height. The most important factors for a koi carp price also addressed the koi carp prices according to the demand for a particular drawing and the number of existing animals. So rare drawings are more expensive than frequent, but only when there is a high demand for exactly this drawing. The body of a valuable Koi is evenly and well proportioned. So, in advance all Koi with deformed body construction of the breeders are sorted out.

This represents an appreciation of the other Koi, as their sales must cover the losses incurred by the selection with. Since the Koi only have trained their final drawing CARP with about two or three years many breeders give younger Specimens from less – valuable fish are only detected after this time safely. A koi with clearly defined drawing costs more than one with extending color transitions. Now it remains to you is for a competitive Koi for maybe 2 from the hardware store or the fishmonger to the corner to decide or take but a good breeder where an animal of about 50 cm size 1,500 will cost. The most expensive Koi has changed its owner for proud 500,000.

Guidelines Of The Turtles Attitude

With a correct attitude of their tortoise can live a very long the animal allow. The turtles often keep as a pet in the apartment. Some say that the turtles, unlike other reptiles, sympathy to good owners. Many turtles like when you caress them. You enter into our lives, to family members. If you can offer a proper care of the turtle, so buy one.

The turtle will become a real friend. The way of the turtle depends on your personal preferences and possibilities. Most of the time, water and Central Asian tortoises are sold. Young animals have a bright color (red or yellow stains on “the ears”), but by the time the animal is dark. The turtle is nimble and active, even in the relatively cool temperature. The turtle position, one must acquire some knowledge. For example, is useful to know that the turtles very fast grow. In five years they turn into adults by 30 cm.

Therefore attitude must be considered when a planned turtles a lot. If you have Central Asian tortoises at a young age, will find that they are more helpless than turtles. The Central Asian tortoises grow slower, but not smaller. They are slower when temperature is not high, although if the animals are in the heat, they are pretty flexible. When you choose a turtle, care must be taken on the behavior (activity, coordination of movements), the appearance of: there should be no injuries; the tanks must have the correct form. It is best to look into the mouth of the turtle: in the healthy reptiles, the mucous membrane will have a bright pink color, the saliva is not viscous. For the transportation of turtles at small distances, even a cardboard box will fit well, you put a little crumpled paper. In the cold season will be on the Bottom of the box put a hot water bottle. When a turtle, attitude is very important the terrarium, there must exist the corresponding equipment: lamps for heating and an ultraviolet lamp and filter.


Help against attacks of dry food half of German households is regularly affected by insect infestations in stock goods. This is due not to lack of hygiene. Experts agree that the flour moths and grain beetles already when buying into the packages. This fact is also clear the producers, however, many farmers would take the high costs for the construction of gas-tight silos not. So it is up to consumers to take effective precautions. The news portal news.de explains what to consider when buying and storing dry foods. Indian meal moth, bread or grain beetles, flour moth and meaner Bacon beetle – they all populate down and back the kitchens of millions of Germans. Often the unwelcome circulation arises from the fact that settle the microscopic pests into the cracks and joints of the storage cabinet and lay new eggs off.

Even to make out the uninvited guests, advises the news.de editorial staff for various measures, health concerning in particular the purchase and storage of Trockenlebensmittel. An insect-proof packaging, was perfect what is ensured by aluminium or tin cans. Paper and plastic packaging is a longitudinal welding of the seams of advantage. However, tiny holes can suffice, with zukaufen to the pests. In the House, flour, pasta, nuts or spices should be stored cool and dry. As the temperature is increased by regular cooking, the kitchen is not the ideal storage place for fragile foods. A safe precaution before the pesky insects is filling around in tight Einweckglaser. More information: .