Federal Government

The final year of the MOBRAL was marked for some denunciations that finished culminating in the creation of the CPI (Parliamentary inquiry commission) to verify the application and direction of the resources and the spreading of the false indices of illiteracy. In 1975, the project was implanted Special PRESS that had as objective to offer preparatory course for Examinations that supplied to the escolarizao in level of 5 8 bigger adult young series the of 17 years. The Project Press approved for seeming n. 392/73 had duration of 54 weeks period of learning distributed in study areas. The systematics of this course was done is of the process, through examinations special, offered the pupils duly registered, for the Division of Ensino Supletivo (DESU), to it finishes it school year.

The program of integrated education (PEI), created in 1976, by means of seeming n 44/73-CFE, developed in the Amap with horria load of 720 and 12 period of learning months. The objective of the PEI was to offer the escolarizao in level of the four first series of old 1 Degree, young the adult bigger of 14 years. In 1986 4 was implanted the Course of Suplncia for Acceleration of Studies of 1 bigger adult young series of of 14 years. This course was authorized for Parecer n15/86 and substituted the PEI, functioned with three distinct structures, in the period of 1986 the 1988. In this same time, then the Federal Territory of the Amap, passes the condition of State. The young education of adult diligent has constituted, since middle of the decade of 1990, object of interest and different initiatives on the part of representative entities of the diligent classroom in Brazil, this fact elapsed of two complementary factors. The first one mentions the strong thematic presence to it of the educational one in the hegemonic speeches. As, the decurrent one of the first one, bes situated in the politics of professional formation implemented by the Federal Government from 1995 the PLANFOR (National Plan of Professional Formation (RUMMERT, 2000, p.151).