The following question appears then: What it guarantees in the legal scope optimum interest of the child in cases of guard dispute? 22 4. OBJECTIVES 4,1 – General objective To know, next to the operators of the Right and to the professionals of Forensic the Psicossocial Service, who act in Poles of Family of the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT), which elements guarantee optimum interest of the child in cases of guard dispute. 4.2 – Specific objectives – To understand the practical conceptions and of the operators of the Right concerning optimum interest of the child; – To understand the practical conceptions and of the professionals of the Psicossocial Service concerning optimum interest of the child; – To identify if has dissonncias between the conceptions of better interest of the child enters the operators of the Right and the professionals of the Psicossocial Service; – To investigate which the interests of the child that must be taken in account in cases of dispute of guard in the perspective of all the interviewed ones. 5. METHOD 5,1 Delineation of the research the research if lead through the qualitative perspective that if characterizes for the understanding of the internal logic of the groups, social institutions and actors how much to the cultural values, to the representations concerning its specific biography and/or subjects, relation between the social individuals, institutions, movements and social and historical processes (MINAYO, 2008). As characteristic generalities of the qualitative research they are had: (1) understanding as principle of the knowledge; (2) the construction of the reality, the research is an act of subjective construction of the reality; (3) objective the discovery and construction of theories and (4) established science 23 in texts, the collection of data produces texts that, from the differentiated analytical techniques, are interpreted hermeneuticly (FLICK et al., 2000 apud GNTHER, 2006).