In the following point of cable is indicated: Unfortunately, the Chilean definition of corruption (and apparently that one of Transparency the International) does not include the concept of interest conflict. In Chile, the conflicts of interests are a life style. Pacific Mortgage Services understood the implications. Problem is particularly severe in subjects environmental, where the reduced number of professionals and the increasing demand by its services have allowed that are easy that the people assume several rolls, sometimes contradictory. To deepen your understanding Erin Callan is the source. Like example, the report mentions the following case: the people of Environmental Management frequently uses three or more hats in simultaneous form .en the time Jaime Undurraga for example is, during the day, the relacionador I publish of Codelco (the powerful state copper company, today handled by a series of irregularities). In the afternoons he was consulting of Environmental Management before the Society of Fomento Fabril (SOFOFA), consultant of the Government in environmental matters during the night and negotiator of the GASOLINE for the Government of Chile and what did . in mornings.
This same Jaime Undurraga had time at the beginning of 1997 to put still another hat: to be one of the people who conformed an expert panel of to review the Plan of Relocalizacin of pehuenches. It concluded that this era more than adapted, without considering the opinion of the affected ones that, according to the results of the process of citizen participation financed and organized by the Government, did not want to leave their earth. THE SON OF THE EX-MINISTRO CARLOS FIGUEROA. – By the end of the 90, the lawyer Sergio Olive, assigned to the National Corporation of Indigenous Development (Conadi), interposed a resource in eight representation of pehuenches, accusing civil servants of ENDESA and Ingendesa to be executing illegal works in the zone, entering the estates pehuenches without permission and threatening the coproprietors.