There are lots of misconceptions about advertising in the first place, many still not understood the purpose of advertising. On this very detailed in the book ‘Bloom pr and advertising decline. ” The fact that many advertising firm aim to: create an image, to make something very beautiful, or vice versa, the ugly. The meaning of all this, in order to remember to remember this designer, noted award. Advertising agencies are very rejoice when their videos take first place in the competition advertising. But there is an interesting fact, money spent on advertising is not proportional to the increase in sales. Often we are very well remember the interesting ads, but not recall a product that was advertised there. Remember the girls something to sing about the juice And now remember.
What was the juice? And now remember the ads that worked for you, advertising, which has caused you desire buy something The result of a competent advertising companies are only feedback. The only criterion by which to judge the effectiveness of advertising – the number of responses. Under the responses we understand – ringing up customers, come or write. A few recommendations: 1. Advertising should call sympathy, imagine that you’re doing a fact sheet for your friend. Advertising in the boorish style can work only in special cases.
2. Advertising should be flavorful, slightly different from those stereotypes. Phrases ’10 years on the market ‘,’ Call Now ‘,’ ask a city drugstores’ navyazli in the teeth and cause only antipathy, or at best focus slides on such a text, not stopping. Create a middle ground, not too extravagant, but not a template. 3. Advertising should give enough information. Advertising should give data for decision making. Recently saw an expensive Journal: gorgeous photos of a man in a fur coat and a phone number, it causes only confusion – what is it – the boys on call or the sale of fur coats. Recently, all over the city hung advertising: girl cup of coffee and text-‘Another cup of coffee. ” How do you think it’s advertised? No, it is advertising the building at the supermarket. 4. Visual range is very important, it provides a quick perception. Instantly bring up to date. Entire paragraphs of text can be replaced by a picture. If you promote a restaurant, then all is simple, cheap room or meals gives the reader a complete picture. But if you have auditing services, there will have good podumat.Obschy design also causes the desired mood and impression of the product. 5. Advertisement should be encouraged to take action. Experience shows, advertising in which there is a phrase: The invitation, come, call, waiting for you, look forward to hearing from you, come in, gives much more feedback. And these phrases actions should be allocated they should focus. 6. And finally the key point – it’s finding the buttons. The button is something to which people respond, then that gives them a certain response. If you correctly find the button, then the effectiveness of advertising increases up to five times.