Economic Societies

These economic societies over time through different stages of activity and inactivity, and reach his performance with a minor or major social roots which, in many cases at the beginning of the 19th century – leads to its disappearance or simply to remain, exclusively, as custodians of a truly fruitful institutional past for Spanish society, as is the case with economic society Matritense. The main economic Castilian, during the late 18th century and early 19th century, by his accomplishments and activities to part of the Matritense were those of Zamora, Segovia, Valladolid, Palencia, Soria, and Santander, the Cantabrian. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with State Street Corporation. Paula’s Demerson, in his classic work on the Royal Society economic Cantabrica de Amigos del Pais, accurate and descriptively, we anticipate with your title and adjusting to the period 1775-1804 the prosperous and adverse fortune that ran this economy, whose project of founding in 1775, had significant participation, as well as notes of Demerson, the theme is heroic and for that reason, is so much acceptance in that land of noblemen (1) the city of Santander received, mainly during the reign of Carlos III, substantial economic benefits and permanent establishment of administrative, political and religious institutions at the expense of the powers traditionally he possessed Burgos, under whose territorial dependency were the mountains of Santander. Also in the Constitution of their respective economic societies, Burgos and Santander, was favoured the latter, that Yes, after a long process that lasted for more than twenty years..