Donaleda Band

It is in air the new site of the band of reggae of $fortaleza, Donaleda. The band already exists has much time in the scene reggae of the North-Northeast and now, more than what never, she inaugurated its official site. With 3 CDs launched throughout 10 years of existence, Donaleda is considered one of the biggest bands of reggae authorial of the Northeast North/. Since 2001 the Donaleda band comes working and divulging reggae that she produces in the Cear. The first result of this project is the record ' ' Liberdade and Libertao' ' launched in 2003, that it took the band to the top of radios in $fortaleza and other cities northeast.

After several shows for the North and Northeast of Brazil and one turn with the jamaicano Eric Donaldson, Donaleda in turn launches in 2005 its as intitled album ' ' Resistance of the Pedra' ' , emplacando hit ' ' H for the Presos' ' that 1 originated its video clip. Following in the road leading its reggae with a strong footprint and much originalidade, at the beginning of 2008, Donaleda records the album ' ' Everything You have of Rever' ' , launched in November of 2009. The record still brings a band bond in partnership with the jamaicano singer Eric Donaldson, where the same &#039 interprets the band; ' I' m the Survivor' '. Always making shows for some cities of the North and Northeast ($fortaleza, Teresina, So Lus, Belm, Mossor, Christmas, Joo Person,) the band already prepares its 4 COMPACT DISC and projects 1 DVD to expand plus its musics for the other regions of Brazil and to enter of time in the national scene. For carrying through independent work, the band makes question to leave available all gratuitously its discografia in the Internet, so that the public of other regions of Brazil and exterior can know the work better, making with that reggae Brazilian continues in expansion. Please, they visit and they make good advantage in the one of link of the band donaleda.