W. Edwards Deming – Revolutionary Capitalism

He always looked younger than his years, but it still shows that he is very old. He slowly walks through the lobby hotel, slightly leaning forward and staring through his glasses. From afar he seems quite bald, but when it comes closer, you see that he has completely white hair, only a very short cut. His ears and hearing aids. He, as always, custom-tailored suit. The pockets of his jacket packed: there newspaper clippings, a calculator, scraps of paper loop vizitnye cards, a notebook, a pocket calendar and all other sorts of things.

From the pocket of his white shirt sticks out half a dozen pens and markers. On the lapel of his jacket – a small round icon. Besides age to it attention in this morning his assistant, Dr. of Science in Business Administration, a pretty, well-dressed young woman Godea him in his granddaughter. They walk through the lobby, arm in arm. Of course, you know, that for him it is a combination of business with pleasure. He wants change, and not small, absolutely everything: in business, industry, education, lifestyle, training and education of children, in our relationships with each other.

Deming wants us all a better life, and most of his (he was in '91), he fought it for that. He knows from personal experience, that Machiavelli was right when he wrote: "Nothing is more difficult, more dangerous and more uncertain than trying to establish a new order of things. " Deming proposed a new order of things in Japan. He was 49 years old. The tall, spiky cut, he began in 1950 to teach Japanese managers, engineers and scientists produce … quality. An important step was teach them how to use statistics to find out which is capable of this or that system, then design improvements to this system gave the best results. It sounds so logical and simple that I want to say: Well, this is so everyone knows! No, I do not know.