The Tandoor Oven For Indian Delights

As to the Maharajah in the garden with own tandoor oven you love Indian cuisine and celebrate summer like in the garden? Then imagine following scene: it is a warm summer evening, a warm breeze blowing through your garden. Soon, the first guests will arrive to your Indian Summer Festival. The preparations are done, it can be just a nice evening. They are still somewhat nervous. It is the first time that you use the tandoor oven.

He is already fueled, the clay pot that over 400 degrees, to cook the first tandoori kebabs in a few minutes. Also the meat in the tasty marinade with exotic colors is available. Now it is so far, the first guests arrive. The motto finds herself beautiful fabrics and unusual headgear – in the clothing of the guests. A fruity Mango liqueur is made welcome, which whets the appetite for more, with its delicious taste. Your guests will love your tandoori chicken, the variety of exotic spices and flavors and the juicy Meat. No wishes remain with the homemade naan bread and fresh Mangolassi.

Now it is safe, your guests will long talk about this Indian Summer Festival of a special kind.” So far, it was hardly possible to organise such a Festival in Germany. Where should you get oven a tandoor? Fortunately, this has changed. The German Tandoor is the first German company which specifically sold in Germany tandoor ovens. A tandoor home offers you the possibility to prepare Indian dishes such as in the original. In particular Chicken Tandoori, a particularly juicy and tasty Indian dish, as well as the traditional naan bread taste the traditional preparation as from India. The home of tandoor is mobile and can be operated quickly and easily in your own garden. Only enough time to glow through the charcoal should be planned. You want to buy a tandoor oven? See for more information and to order conveniently online.