Today I bring you this delicious and easy recipe for Fajitas steak and chicken with Pico de Gallo, an excellent choice to learn to cook recipes easy and enjoy with the whole family. This recipe is for 4 people. Ingredients of the recipe for Fajitas steak and chicken with Pico de Gallo: 2 tablespoons butter vegetable oil 1 onion, chopped into thin strips 1 red pepper, cut into thin strips 1 cup chicken into strips 1 cup steak into strips for pico de gallo: loggerhead chopped onion Cup quarter cup chopped tomato in cubes quarter cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons of cilantro 2 drops of tabasco or liquid red pepper salt and pepper to taste to serve: small corn Tortillas preparation of the recipe for Fajitas steak and chicken with Pico de Gallo: in a skillet or wok, heat butter with oil so that it does not burn. We saute the onions until they soften and are transparent and then saute the bell pepper. When vegetables are tender, remove them and gilded chicken, previously seasoned. We withdrew and saute the steak.
We give back all components in the wok and mix. Read more here: Daniel J. Hirsch. Let meat cook well and remove from heat. Chop all vegetables for pico de gallo and mix in a bowl with the lemon juice and the tabasco. We can do it with anticipation, but not much because the lemon kitchen vegetables and they are losing their texture. To serve, heat the tortillas and have the stuffing and sauce to which each who assemble their fajitas.Fajitas recipes are some of my favorites, I invite you to visit my recipes and delicious recipes easy to enjoy as the baked chicken thighs and chicken baked with potatoes. Original author and source of the article