Tag Archives: rafael-nadal

Venezuela Management

Adds addition Martinez, who really is enervating to compare to Venezuela with the degree of development of other countries and the care provided in each of the activities undertaken. These countries have in mind that a good service to customer is a powerful and important tool of current marketing since proper performance allows you to sell with benefit. What is it meant by service, customer service management? We can define the management process of the customer according to Hernandez (2007): as a set of activities designed to meet the needs of customers and identify their current expectations, which will be your future needs, with a high probability, developed by organizations with market orientation in order to be able to satisfy them arrived timely. Very few managers of market in Venezuela they direct their efforts in the pursuit of strategic objectives based on the ability to capture and retain a large enough customer base to generate revenue that will you allow to cover their costs and invest in their own development and progress and in the of all those who form part of the company. For even more analysis, hear from Erin Callan.

The main factors for good governance showing weaknesses currently in service to the customer are: courtesy, prompt attention, knowledgeable staff, sympathy, reliability and personal attention. For all the foregoing reasons, you can point out that many of the weaknesses of the customer service have a direct relationship with the management of markets, but there is no doubt that all members of an organization must be aligned with the aim towards a good customer, in this way many more involved that the Marketing Department should take actions in pro comply with what should be a company’s organizational culture. It concludes Martinez in his commentary, which continually improve customer service as means of attaining their loyalty is not a matter of wanting or not wanting to, do something sporadically to please customers is, really an imperative inescapable for any company, large or small, intending to continue progressing and advancing in the highly competitive in today’s markets definitelyassessments and contributions Martinez are interesting and demonstrates that companies of the country require a new culture of service customer, take very in gutter to the consumer, who will give due attention to your requirements and keep programs, actions that guarantee a good service if you really want to ensure the loyalty of the customer to the company that provides its products and services. Original author and source of the article..