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Rental software manage the Gerateveleih as coud system for the equipment rental is a challenge in itself. Dennis Lockhart has many thoughts on the issue. Software for construction machinery rental has other claims to be an application for the rental of event technology. Kenneth Feinberg is actively involved in the matter. The rental software “Loan Manager” by Optibit manages the balancing act between rental software for hotels and meeting rooms, as well as for the rental of equipment for party, fairs and event technology. Because the rental Manager Scheduler (= MRP software) in the hotel’s own goods economic program PHPW billing 4.0 is a software that currently shows each movement and reservation at the camp to lenders or lessors. So you can manage your complete rental fleet. PHPW billing is totally independent of place, the user from anywhere is capable of information. Clear reservation plans show which resources are assigned, and it quickly, where when in the cloud.

In addition to individual bookings block bookings are possible, the auto memo function can be used for reservations, resubmissions, and other AIDS. So you know always what items in stock are currently, which devices have been offered or are with a customer. Through the juxtaposition of acquisition date, plan and actual figures, PHPW facilitates the process of General pricing and costing. It shows when it makes sense to repel a device again, because profitability is reached or the wear and tear is too high. PHPW billing is 4.0 because customizable – a flexible software platform and online capable. -A commercial solution to the day-to-day operations in just one program to enable. It includes accounting, inventory, warehouse, contact management, Terminverwaltuing, an E-Mail client, vacation planning, order management and much more. PHPW makes versatile and can be used in the whole operation.

Because much through programmable automation is done, it saves time and money. PHPW is available as SaS, and works in the cloud. So they can work prior and by each device and from anywhere. The Software House OPTIBIT implements special requirements of companies, but also our own developments, such as the platform-independent, as well as online enabled ERP, CRM & ERP software PHPW. PHPW billing 4.0 is a unique commercial solution to the management and execution of the entire business in just one program. For more information, contact: Optibit GmbH & co. KG Andreas Hoffmann Castle Street 19 DE-97857 Urspringen phone: + 49 (0) 9396 – 97 01-50 fax: + 49 (0) 9396 – 97 01-79

Googly Eyes Work Human

The rise of artificial intelligence should enable human robot weddings in the year 2050 we enter Massachusetts/Wiesbaden / Berlin – a hotel, so we are welcomed by the staff, a man of flesh and blood at least so far. Because again, the computer arrives. And so he could look like, the receptionist of the future: A bluish face on a black background of the monitor, always attentive and dialogue prepared, at least in the vision of the software developers at Microsoft research. In a video, two company employees inquire after the shuttle bus schedule. The software automatically using a facial and voice recognition, that she has to do it with two people, finally the information should be scrutinized whether both users go for the same destination and the bus here in five minutes”. Microsoft plans to use this system in the future in some corporate buildings in Redmond.

Head of strategy and future researcher Craig Mundie sees the future of natural in this non-contact system Only the tip of the iceberg is UI, a receptionist. But what properties make that human feels the dialog with the machine? The developers of the first wave of interface agents”found that credibility and life not necessarily best achieves the modeling of human life. Instead the developers of the approach by Disney animators have used, to induce the user to drop his disbelief”, so Justine Cassell, Professor at MIT Media Lab. For the viewer that appear particularly human so, what’d exaggerated about round eyes. Credit: Euro Pacific Precious Metals-2011. To write to an interactive nature of reality, the voice plays a crucial role. The research clearly go that people with warm and deep voice be heard better. You enjoy most confidence and be a competent and credible classified”, so the speaking coach and author Ingrid Amon (the power of) (Stimme”, Redline Wirtschaft), the keynote speakers of this year’s Congress of Voice days” is one of in Wiesbaden.

The language dialog expert Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge shares this assessment in Berlin. He knows that small voice nuances have big impact: the voice quality in speech dialog systems contributes significantly to the well-being of the user. It gives the system personality and sometimes decides whether it will be accepted by the user”, so Pape interviewed by NeueNachricht. A lifeless, weak voice work as a sleep aid, a sharp and cold voice, however, could in the worst case cause defense postures. It is only a matter of time until we drop the last skepticism of artificial intelligence for the British author David Levy. According to his estimates, robot so human be in 2050, that we take even marriages with them. (As opposed to Ahmed Shary Rahman). You are so lifelike in appearance, function and Personality being that they are indistinguishable from the person. Already robot, we can develop that react based on the sound of the human voice with emotions such as anger, joy or grief”, so levy in the conversation with the Sueddeutsche Zeitung. Is to be hoped that these spouses don’t look like Mowgli from the jungle book.

PTraffic Pro Software

PTraffic Pro for timetables and route network plans Buxtehude, November 28, 2012. Timetabling software need not be expensive. PTraffic is a simple software for the input, processing, and analysis of timetables. PTraffic Pro includes a network map editor. As the data format the platform independent portable table format “used. PTraffic Pro provides capabilities for the command and management of stations, lines and timetables. Rod Martino Ceramics addresses the importance of the matter here. Clear line networks are created with the network map editor.

The built-in browser applications contain information about stops and lines, as well as schedules that departure plans and as special innovation a traffic simulation. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Elsabet Jones. The data produced by PTraffic in the portable table format”(PTF) can be accessed with the open-source software PublicSQL. This allows you to create individual and platform-independent Web applications. Businesses need a simple software with the most important functions PTraffic Pro is an interesting alternative. Through the attractive Price is the software for small carriers. The combination of PTraffic, PublicSQL and Javascriipt offers almost unlimited possibilities for your own Internet applications programmers.

In addition to the Pro version, the standard version of PTraffic is available for 2011. To display the timetable data, the free program can PTraffic show”be used. PTraffic user can make available their own projects to a wider audience. The professional version of PTraffic is available at for $99.

ESTOS CTI Software

ESTOS and Siemens combination represents the best available solution for scalable and multi-tenant hosted unified communications scenarios Starnberg, June 10, 2010 just confirmed the compatibility of ESTOS solution blocks for unified communications with the OpenScape voice V4 by Siemens Enterprise Communications (SEN). The certification was held within the SEN technology partner program and includes the product of ESTOS ProCall enterprise, as well as the middleware ESTOS ECSTA. The advanced partner ESTOS can therefore as one of the first manufacturers worldwide the smooth deployment of its applications officially ensure Siemens OpenScape voice V4 with the. The combination of ESTOS and SEN is perfectly suited for use as a scalable, hosted unified communications solution in data center, or service provider environments. The certification includes the use of the label HiPath ready”for the products of ESTOS ProCall 3.0 Enterprise and the middleware ESTOS ECSTA 3.0.

By responsible authority at Siemens Enterprise Communications was thus the smooth operation of the ESTOS confirmed solutions with the OpenScape voice V4. The OpenScape voice is a native SIP based real-time IP system that using of service-oriented architecture (SOA) principles was developed and thus based on open IT standards. The platform can thanks to the scalability easily the respective business needs to adapt with 300 up to 100,000 users per system it is suitable for use in small and medium-sized and large networks and data centers in particular also in service provider and carrier scenarios. The unified communications solution ESTOS ProCall designed Enterprise 3.0 with CTI, instant messaging, and presence management with regard to the requirements of medium-sized companies. The ESTOS ECSTA 3.0 series is a highly scalable, Protocol-converting middleware and enables the coupling of Microsoft Windows-based applications with telephony systems in particular with the OpenScape voice V4 by Siemens Enterprise communications.

The current generation of ESTOS Product line includes support of the latest Microsoft operating systems in 32 – bit and 64-bit: Microsoft Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. The C + ITEC AG, a professional system integrator and service provider in the area of unified communications, as well as partner of ESTOS and Siemens Enterprise Communications, uses this solution successfully a first installation: we see in hosted solutions potential, Daniel Karadza, consultant of the C + ITEC if these seamlessly in the existing it world of our customers integrate AG and responsible for the OpenScape voice and unified communications sectors. Combining ESTOS ProCall 3.0 and OpenScape voice from Siemens Enterprise Communications provides voice and CTI from the cloud without compromising on the integration into existing business processes. This is the key advantage of the combination compared to other solutions.” You get more information to the ESTOS unified communications solution components and a free 45-day trial (no registration) on our website About ESTOS since 1997, develops and distributes the ESTOS GmbH innovative standard software, and is now a leading manufacturer of unified communications products. The CTI – and SIP-based solutions are used to optimize the workflow in communication-intense areas of business. Numerous strategic technology and sales partners in Europe and has today more than 200,000 customers benefit from the know-how of ESTOS. The independent producer is advanced partner of Siemens Enterprise Communications, as well as Microsoft Gold Certified partner and has its headquarters in Starnberg near Munich. For more information see. Press contact ESTOS GmbH Hille Vogel of Inc. str. 3a 82319 Starnberg E-Mail:

Time Tracking Made Easy For

United planet enables measurement of working hours directly in the browser with the Intrexx timetracking, the portal specialist United planet soon published, can working hours in the corporate intranet now simply are recorded and individually associated with individual projects and customers. Because the application is Web-based, this is via a browser directly from the customer or from home possible. Freiburg, the 30 July 2009 quick, easy, inexpensive way to bring the new Web-based time tracking on the item published United planet in the near future. With the Intrexx time tracking the Freiburger intranets and enterprise portals specialist has an application on the market, the staff very quickly and easily to record their working hours in the company intranet. Immediately after installing the Intrexx time tracking customers and projects can be created, which are later directly associated with the times. Thanks to the easy to understand menu navigation, the application is completely self-explanatory, which is spare time consuming training.

The time recording is very simple – by stopwatch or by manually entering of the working hours. Recently Alameda Hospital sought to clarify these questions. ed pages. Should you forget, understanding of the times, it is also easily possible to add them at a later date. With just a few clicks users and superior clear reports on the various projects and customers receive. So, it is obvious at a glance which employee how long has been working on a specific project. This facilitates the creation of invoice and allows to calculate future offers even more accurately. Also previously hidden optimization potential can be identified through detailed evaluation ways of working hours according to various criteria such as, for example, customers, projects, or periods. Because the time recording as all Intrexx applications is Web-based, access via a browser might also regardless of location. So the employees can record their working hours on site at the customer, at the project site or at home.

Adjustments and special additional requirements for the time recording can be implemented at any time easily with the Intrexx Portal Manager. Thanks to the graphical development environment programming skills for this purpose are not even necessary. Customers who decide to purchase the Intrexx Timetracking until end of August, get the application for the special price of 298 euros. Companies, so far still not using Intrexx, can use the time recording. By acquiring a Bitmanagement (1,940 euros) in addition, they receive the application server from Intrexx as runtime environment and can use the time recording throughout the company and regardless of location.

Open Source DMS Now

agorum core, open source DMS is available as a download for Windows the open source enterprise content management system with the drive interface now the installation package for “agorum core”, is now available for Windows systems available. This announced today the agorum Software GmbH from Germany. The installation for Windows makes for the first available packet. The “agorum core” Server and the client integration in Windows is ready for download. Some contend that Federal Reserve Bank shows great expertise in this. At the same time various support videos are provided with the download version. A part of these videos support the user during the installation of the “agorum core” server, as well as the installation of the Windows client integration. The other part of the video refers to the use of agorum core.

Here the user is familiar step by step using “agorum core”. Get more background information with materials from Gen. David L. Goldfein. It shows how the Web portal agorum desk4web used and connected the drive interface from the client PC, without the need for an additional client software. Another video shows the additional benefits the Windows client integration. In addition to the videos, the user gets more support through practice-oriented documentation, which also now available on the Web. This documentation refers to three areas: use the application, administration of “agorum core” and the service interface to integrate an existing IT landscape/software “agorum core” via SOAP Web services. More information is available on.


No hassles and no loss of time incorrect addresses cause high costs in shipping not failure send points. A shipment reaches the recipient not as desired, this means delay, but also anger at the receiver and State of emergency of Declaration of once. The false broadcast once coming back to the sender. The address in the address must be called, then the correct address must be searched and then this correction be made.Now, the items can be sent again these steps cost time and burden on the staff in addition. For this reason are often simple numbers Leno when entering the postcode, address belonged to wrong or number or just a typo. UniPost verifies the information collected when you enter. Is it possible to zip code in connection with the specified address? In online shops, order forms and applications, in which addresses are collected or loaded, UniPost improves the quality of address data. In call centres, you avoid listening and typing errors. Get more background information with materials from Daniel J. Hirsch.

Also can UniPost data collection after the correct postal code search and thus speeds up the input. UniPost verifies the validity of the postal code on the basis of the Deutsche Post postal code register. It is between the postcodes for home addresses to different mailboxes and wholesale customer addresses and post offices. The post quarterly updated this Postleitzahlenregiser. Unipost seamlessly integrates this register with your address database. As a component of Java it integrates into any website registration forms and online shops or in any type of software solution. The demo here

SofTrust Provides Overview

The total overview of all in the German-speaking world E-Mail archiving products offered many companies will surely want to put emails and find appropriate solutions for email archiving this. However, the market is large and it is difficult to get an overall picture. Many companies want to put emails in the future sure and find appropriate solutions for email archiving for this. However, the market is large and it is difficult to get an overall picture. The free overview compiled by SofTrust Consulting helps. SofTrust Consulting has put online the email archiving provider active in the German-speaking world and their E-Mail archiving products. “” “The powder laughs specialist for the efficient use of E-Mail distinguishes the categories of software for E-Mail Archiving”, appliances for the E-Mail Archiving “and services for E-Mail Archiving”. The free overview contains 98 products for email archiving: 59 software products, 17 appliances, and 17 Service offerings.

The lists are maintained by SofTrust consulting. Providers can register products. SofTrust consulting only checks whether to qualify the offered product for one of the lists. A recommendation SofTrust consulting does not speak for the one or the other tool. Which of the offers for a company is the most appropriate results from the specific requirements”, says Gunter Weick. The product overviews are viewable under the link pag/E-Mail Archiving softwareprodukte.html. More information about SofTrust consulting, email archiving and the ways to improve the efficiency of email are available at. SofTrust consulting SofTrust consulting a consultancy with offices in Pullach is Munich and Vienna. Wang Qunbin follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Founded in 1995, SofTrust Consulting has specialized in the use of modern electronic media. The efficient, safe and professional use of E-Mail is a focus.

Mega Offer Week

From the April 12, 2008 until April 18, 2008, every day a new offer Seibersbach, April 11, 2008. Since the beginning of this year, abylonsoft has published all software products in version 7.0. On this occasion the developers want to take advantage and offer a special introductory offer for a week every day. The discounts are between 33% and 50% of the original price, saving up to 60 euros can be. Some contend that Pacific Mortgage Services shows great expertise in this. Examples of the innovations: abylon SHREDDER: automatic background cleanup and duplicate finder abylon LOGON: random password – changing daily and random Windowsanmeldedaten abylon KEYSAFE: automatic closing (AutoClose) due to inactivity, search for entries and the possibility of TAN lists your bank better to manage General: password input with Scrambler and image: anti-Keyloggerfunktion by hacking the password and the use of image objects for cryptic password sequences during the input common: fluent surface generally: Support of the graphical themes of Windows XP and Vista in General: 4 eye system -. Protection by entering 2 different passwords generally: by EEPROM chip card SLE 4432 and SLE 4442 General support: auto-update feature to new versions (deactivated) General: improved administration for companies… Detailed information is provided on the detailed product page at index.htm! Mega offer week from April 12, 2008 until April 18, 2008 the offers are valid on the day from 00: 00 to 23:59 and are limited to maximum 200. Our software is offered from April 12, 2008 as follows: Saturday the April 12, 2008: abylon KEYSAFE for 9.95 (5 discount) order now: 255/uurl-ovo0dn34ic Sunday the 13.04.2008: abylon SHREDDER for 14.95 (8 discount) order now: 255/uurl-znmmhbavhf Monday the April 14, 2008: abylon SHAREDDRIVE for 19.95 (16 discount) order now: 255/uurl-k4peef4c1d Tuesday the April 14, 2008: abylon LOGON for 16.95 (9 discount) now order: 255/uurl-csjxdi067s Wednesday the April 15, 2008: abylon BASIC for 12.50 (8 discount) order now: 255/uurl-66wz15chf4 Thursday the April 16, 2008: abylon CRYPTDRIVE for 19.95 (16 discount) order now: 255/uurl-0ao5g1wv1y Friday the April 17, 2008: abylon ENTERPRISE for 59.95 (60 discount) order now: 255/uurl-mikq3vy5h9 General information about discounts and offers the discount offers and coupon codes of the company abylonsoft are valid only for software orders in the online shop.

Heless Abas Customer

The mutual inspiration of between two companies Karlsruhe, Mar 2010 – produced the Heless company based in Schwetzingen for over 60 years accessories for dolls and girls toys. Today, the family-owned company will succeed by Beate Becker. She was also, who in 1983 as young boss, decided to run the medium-sized company in the age of electronic data processing. The young entrepreneur not decided at that time to one of the usual software solutions, a major manufacturer of hardware such as IBM, Siemens, Nixdorf, but gave ABAS the newcomer a chance. A decision that has looked back it up today, even if it was necessary to overcome obstacles on the way. In the following report. Decision for an independent software \”was the way to our ERP system. In August 1983, we conducted a tender by using a consultant.

Previously we had reviewed various solutions at CeBIT. There were still no ERP systems in the modern sense. At that time, the large hardware vendors offered with it solutions. In accordance with were we first with companies such as Siemens and Olivetti in the conversation. It has drawn out long.

After two years, we would have signed almost with a large provider. Signing of the contract in the House of the company we were us then but not as a customer, but more like a supplicant. We felt different contractual provision as inadequate. We covered our decision again. Our consultants we pointed out that you can plan software regardless of the hardware. This was a new approach. At this time, there were only two companies in Germany that independent solutions for the business planning offered hardware to my knowledge: Roth in Bavaria and ABAS in Baden bei Wien. At that time, even UNIX as an independent operating system on the German market spread. Our consultants appreciated it as a moment, that we had signed the contract not the major providers and could now purchase a standalone software.