Aims you focus on custody and its applicability in separations contentious and consensual, with the presentation of the position of scholars and judges on the subject. The intention is you the show the greatest benefits and importance of the implementation of legal custody a model underpinned by the premise of the best interests of the child who comesclosest you the current social reality. Nicholas Carr has firm opinions on the matter. Keywords: Civil Code, family to power, legal Brazilian custody of children in custody preceedings, the best interest of the child, equal rights will be parents and preservation of parental-bonding. SUMMARY 1INTRODUO6 2O TO BE ABLE FAMILIAR10 2,1 – Famlia10 2,2 – To be able Familiar13 3A GUARD OF the FILHOS16 3,1 – Concept of Guarda16 3,2 – Modalities of Guarda18 3,3 – Guard Comum19 3,4 – Guard nica19 3.4.1 – I begin of optimum Interest of Criana21 3.4.2 – the Right of Visita23 3,5 – the Guard Alternada25 3.6. – Aninhamento or Nidao26 3,7 – the Compartilhada27 Guard 4A GUARD SHARED IN PROCESS JUDICIAL30 4.1.POSICIONAMENTOS30 4.1.1Impossibilidade of incidence in the separations litigiosas30 4.1.2Possibilidade of incidence in the contentious separations with doctrinal approach and jurisprudencial32 4.1.3O paper of the team multidisciplinar35 4.1.4O paper of the Mediao38 4.1.5Vantagens of Guarda Compartilhada40 5CONCLUSO44 6REFERNCIAS BIBLIOGRFICAS47 1 INTRODUCTION the scene of the familiar model contemporary brings the figure of the father and the mother as citizens of rights and duties you equalized between itself, the importance of the affective value of the family and the protection of the superior interest of the minor, what it becomes imperious the constant search for new solutions for the disputes of guard of the children. The Family law widely was modified with the advent of the new Civil Code, that entered in vigor in January of 2003. Credit: Nicholas Carr-2011. According to new Statute, the guard in the separations judicial or divorces for mutual assent will be determined for the spouses.
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Price the legislation is clear when it determines that the price is always at sight, rank that the ability to apply taxes of interests is exclusive of financial institutions. It has a great difference between price and mode of payment, this it can be parceled out and legally it could be applied the tax of interests, while that one even so many traders fracione the payment will not have to happen interests. Some establishments exist that still place acknowledgments alerting the consumers who the price of one determined product is R$ 30,00, but it will be for thirty days will be charged R$ 35,00. Very common this practical abusive in the interiors of the country. Approaching on the visible price, also it is verified that this must is visibly to the disposal of the consumer, also in the show windows. How much the guarantee this, is established in article 50 of the CDC which determines that the same one is contractual and of written form. How much to the validity stated period this information is respectable especially when one is about perishable products, rank that can cause damages the health case of ingestion is of the validity stated period.
Another important data are that in some products two stated periods of validity exist. When closed one and other after opened. This information, many times is omitted by the suppliers. CONCLUSION. Some conclusions can be observed in the research. The CDC, of inoxervel form is a great advance for the protection of the consumer. But, exactly knowing of the determination foreseen the suppliers there they are not gotten tired in trying to ludibriar the consumers. If thus it was not, the judiciary one would not be overloaded of action against suppliers.
Many are champion of demands appearing in the passive polar region, having until the necessity of mutires deal to decide it, face to the impossibility of the attendance to the monstrous number of claims. Another aspect, is that the proper State little invests in agencies fiscalizadores. In Brazil when if it deals with fiscalization in the protection of the vulnerable society, the indifference is bigger still, that is, of the much importance not remaining only to the wronged consumer to search the guardianship jurisdictional aiming at to support its liquid and certain right, for being of justice. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BARBOSA, Fernanda Nunes. Information: right and duty in the relations of Consumption. So Paulo RT 2008 NUNES, Luis Antonio Rizzato. Course of Right of the Consumer. 6 Ed So Paulo Hail, 2011. 1 Academic of Right Attending a course the sixth period in the College of Sciences Social Human beings and.