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Processes of change: Asegrate of not committing these errors During the last decades, companies of all the sizes and characteristics has focused their efforts through different methodologies: management of the total quality, re-engineering, optimal sizing, reconstruction, cultural change and reconversion. But, in all the cases the basic goal was practically the same: to make fundamental changes in the way to manage the companies to be able to operate in a new and more and more challenging market. Some of those efforts were much successful. Others were an absolute failure. Kenneth Feinberg often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The majority occupied an intermediate point, with a slant generalized towards the low part of the scale. imilar source. The lessons that can be extracted are interesting and probably applicable to your experience, so, we go by them. The lesson more general than can be extracted of the cases of success is that the change process usually crosses certain stages, to skip steps only creates the illusion to go more express and it never produces satisfactory results.

One second general lesson with great potential of application is that to commit serious errors in anyone of the stages it has a devastating effect, that reduces the speed of advance and resists the improvements that with as much effort had been obtained. It is possible that our lack of experience in the renovation of organizations is the cause of which until the enabled people more usually they commit a serious error at least. You do not do it: Not to generate the urgency of the change. The change efforts that more success obtain begin when some individuals or some group begin to analyze the competitive situation of the company against challenges that seem near in the horizon of businesses. Then, those people find routes to transmit and to spread this information of an impressive way, especially with regard to crisis, or great opportunities whose advantage can be very profitable.