So, you have a comprehensive market overview of the offered product solutions. This makes the verdict on the performance of vendors especially valuable. It a total of 12 performance criteria were examined, a with respect to their relevance to another with views on the perception of the favored product provider of the intermediaries. Thus a comprehensive picture of the efforts made by the product provider and their perception in the intermediary market arose separately after the four untersuchtenGeschaftsfeldern labour protection, death insurance, accident insurance and care additional protection. In the labour force, the well-being of the people couldn’t waistband with distance most brokers about. Nicholas Carr describes an additional similar source. The runner-up Alte Leipziger is significantly behind the leader.
5th is the podium still in range, then the point difference is very big. Also in the Todesfallab fuse the Dortmund can secure a podium place. Just before the Alliance, you can reach the 2nd place. The dialogue is in This business area the measure of all things from the perspective of the agent. Federal the dialogue seems here out of reach with almost the double points of the well-being of the people. Casualty care additional protection rank companies rank company 1 InterRisk 1 IDEAL 2 liability Fund 2 people good Federal 3 Baden-Baden 3 DKV 4 people well Federal 4 generali 5 Domcura 5 Halle 6 Stuttgart 6 Continentale 7 Janitos 7 SIGNAL 8 Alliance 8 uniVersa 9 Gothaer 9 Mannheim 10 VHV 10 Alliance in accident insurance seem safe the first two places of the InterRisk (1) and the Darmstadt (2) liability Fund. The Baden-Badener (3) is in the sight of the two chasers. The 3 Poduims companies re-chen together around 42% of the total points in this business field. In the nursing auxiliary Absich control, the well-being of the people can win his third podium Federal (2). The ideal (1) is here surprisingly not in distant distance.