Old Device

I buy and hide back in house I said Olavo. – All good. Now we have that to give a skill to take off Olavo daqui, in security. It can today be to the night said Z. Air Force Chief of Staff shines more light on the discussion. – They are not worried. I leave for the way of the Old Device I said Olavo smiling.

* Passed two days, Z and Brave Jo they had decided to trace a plan to free the journalist who was imprisoned in the police station of polices of the city. When it became gloomy, four strong armed men and mounted the horse they arrived in the immediacy of the city. The horses hidden in the mouth of the bush had left and had been walking in direction to the local police station. They had entered in a bar and they had asked for cachaa with lemon. While they drank, it observed the movement in the police station of polices. When he gave twenty and three hours the owner of the bar said: – Vocs wants plus some thing, because I go to close the bar. Already he is late and I go to sleep.

– All good. Here it is the money of the expenditure said Jorjo. – Obliged. Tomorrow I open the bar at night. If to want to appear – All good. I liked daqui, exactly. We go to appear. Good night. The four men had left and been even so. They had given a return for city until the half a night. Later they had come back toward the immediacy of the police station of polices. Jorjo ordered that one of the men was to register one complaint of robbery of its documents. The man arrived in the police station but the door was closed. It beat and a police lode to take care of: – I wanted to register a complaint.