New York

After all, you do not advance to have an extraordinary product if its customers will be made use to pay for it. 2,6 Options of payment the currency had origin has about six a thousand years, when she was used precariously. In Greece and During the Roman empire, it earned more importance. Thousand of years before the Homo sapiens walked on two feet, lived in groups and practised the trade, that is, the exchange of things. It was an embryonic form of commerce.

(Magazine Bars and Restaurants, 2008. P. 20) the exchange Can be noticed that, either of merchandises or services, already she was carried through has much time, however, with passing of the years, the modes of payment offered the customers had become varied. The entrepreneurs must make familiar to all the available forms in the market so that its customers feel themselves satisfied, mainly in the hour to carry through the payment. Beyond at sight payment, with in cash, or most common and used by any entrepreneur, others can be considered as checks, credit cards or the exchange. The check appeared in the average age when they deposited you its gold in an only place with appropriate installations of security: the silversmith workshop.

With the time, the responsible ones for the filling of the gold emitted papers that represented an amount in metal, giving right to its owner, to rescue at any time to such amount. Many financial silversmiths, agents and the first banks had started to emit first banking checks (the history of everything. Available in: ). Still used, the check exert the same function of old, since that, when deposited with the desired value, either covered with its deposits. Another today available form in the market is the credit cards. Pacievitch (2008) after counts that the card credit appeared in the city of New York in middle of 1950 when an executive and its guests, supper in a restaurant, had perceived that they had forgotten coupon stubs check and money.