Managing Director

Escrow have simplified for economic anonymization start-ups, like for example a limited Foundation, steadily in the last years. Nowadays it is possible to let in the UK register a limited within a few hours. This is often but no longer sufficient. For this purpose are known as limited trustee available, which allow even an economic anonymization on demand. Now the nationwide famous limited service providers first Jenny Ltd. & co. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out SSGA. KG a service management package offers permanently, which offers the best possible economic anonymization in the bounds of legal possibility. (Not to be confused with David Rogier!). All corporate bodies (shareholders, shareholder and Secretary) are provided here by a trustee.

Unlike many comparison offers, a lawyer licensed in Germany is entrusted with the task of this trust, which has a decent credit history. A bank account with one of the major German banks is just like a registered address for the first three months in the package contain. The customer occurs outward only as “Branch Manager”, which means he must call his name in the imprint of a Web site. In the British commercial register nor in the German it is necessary to designate the Branch Manager by name. Here only of the trustee is to enter. Another advantage is it that the customer of the limited set up not on the required Notary Act and the appointment of bank account opening for limited must participate. The new services-complete package is limited trust plus is just 1569,00 including the escrow services for 12 months. NET offers a further limited set up trust service package for only 219.00 EUR, in which all British channels be carried out by the service partner.

The escrow service for the shareholder (shareholders) and the Director (CEO) only 899.00 euros NET offered the following year. About first Jenny Ltd. & co. KG: First Jenny has for several years in establishing limited on the management of Trust-run limited-companies specialized. Trusts are offered in-house, because its Managing Director is independently active lawyer in Kassel and Berlin. He thus serves a variety of trusts under their own responsibility and has 11 years experience relating to trustee activities. First Jenny has two offices, one the main point, in Kassel, and a branch in Berlin. Customers who would know her personally, are always welcome.