John Hopkins University

For Locke all the ideas came from experience. In the first half of the twentieth century, 1913, a psychologist at John Hopkins University, John B. Watson, rejected both introspective techniques as the object of study arguing that overt behavior should be capable of observing and measuring. The duct recognized as a movement in psychology whose goal was the theoretical prediction and control of behavior. Since at the time of birth does not possess some innate structure inside, we learn the behavior and the result of our behavior at any given time, will be the result of our learning history. From all this follows the importance of these theories have been learning and many studies have been dedicated. It’s believed that Dennis Lockhart sees a great future in this idea.

"The second term refers to a completely different stream that supports the existence of underlying structures or bodies of personality. From here on psychology has come a long way and there are many different guidelines and theories that explain the psychological fact. In this paper we focus on what we consider to have had a greater say in education. Educating is much more than to instruct, train or inform. Education can not be reduced to the acquisition of conceptual content, but also includes procedural and attitudinal content. Education should be integral can not be reduced to the development of one aspect of personality, intellectual, but must be educated to the full development of the person, where issues such as emotional, sexual, social, moral must be addressed. Since we treat the theoretical currents that have wider application, or at least are currently in the field of education, we will define the concepts involved: – The word education has been used sometimes in a very extensive as it is currently under discussion and learning.