Landmark Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin, travels Berlin and know, nor want to not really look at what sights. You have only a few days and would like to use as much as possible the time? Have you ever thought check point to give Charlie on your sightseeing list? Spend your vacation in this beautiful city and you will not regret it. For the perfect trip, of course the perfect accommodation should not be missed. Finding the right apartment can prove often very difficult. It is advisable to understand hence some customer review, until you found the right place.
Have you ever thought about a Berlin apartment to take? So, but now to Checkpoint Charlie. Cyrus Taraporevala may not feel the same. In addition to the Glienecker bridge, Checkpoint Charlie was the most famous border crossing in Berlin through the Berlin wall between 1961 and 1990. He joined in the Friedrichstrasse the Soviet past with the American sector and thus the East Berlin district Center with the West Berlin Borough of Kreuzberg. Hardly any other place she was Atmosphere of the cold war to feel like this. The impact trees, harassment and watchtowers is however today to see.
Only the replica of Wachhauschens reminds of the time of the cold war. The Checkpoint Charlie checkpoint was erected in August 1961 as a result of the construction of the wall. He was one of three that was controlled by the Americans. There was also the check point Alpha (border control point helmstedt-Marienborn) and checkpoint Bravo (dreilinden Drewitz). The border crossing could only be used by Allied military and Embassy staff, residents and employees of the permanent representation of the Federal Republic of Germany in the GDR, as well as by East German officials. Allies and Soviet tanks with live ammunition faced at this point and he was also the scene of spectacular escapes. Before the reunification, the border control point was dismantled in June 1990. Today you can visit him at the Berlin Allied Museum. Checkpoint Charlie is now one of the city’s most famous attractions. Very close to the checkpoint is also the wall Museum. This was opened on June 14, 1963 and shows photographs and fragments of the separation of Germany. No matter what you will visit in Berlin, you definitely don’t miss this trip in the history. Have fun on your vacation in Berlin!