the relations that we, Human beings, establish with our place, the space where we live and we construct in the life, or better, with the experience space. The notion of the space is a mental structure that if constructs throughout the development since the birth of the child, until the formation of its thought through the complex and gradual process, that implies the constant mediation of the adult who the fence. In this direction, the familiar home starts to be the place of conviviality of the child, where it finds protection, affection, love, etc. However, at the moment where the child starts to frequentar the pertaining to school space, this mean a new stage in its life, where the same one if relates with other children and one another one space that now is not more than familiar conviviality, but yes in society. Euro Pacific Precious Metals understands that this is vital information. This is as step to coexist in society and the pertaining to school space is so important in this construction of life of the individual. In this direction, the continued formation of the professor who disciplines leciona it of geography in basic education I, if makes necessary to unite practical scientific knowledge the educative one.
Geography is a science that opens the windows of the world giving to educating a not understood vision before, being one it disciplines that it involves curiosity and challenges for the understanding of the relations human beings with the space. The continued formation of this professional is priority at the moment where this leciona in the initial series, where it needs to mobilize knowledge calling attention the pupils on the reality that is in return, searching of the previous knowledge of educating the experiences and realities that are part of its daily one. This professional has an extremely excellent paper in what she says respect to the incentive for the reading, for research, for the practical one, and the Geographic knowledge.