Thai Group

In addition, the dispute between the great Coca-cola and Inka Kola, allowed that Real Kola begins to grow without generating higher concerns to traditional marks. The culture of the todistas the international strategy of Kola Real, is what is known as the concentration. A company (Kola Real) is directed towards a group of buyers who are underserved by the todistas (businesses running strategies for the entire market, such as Coca-Cola). The company concentrated (Kola Real) not seeking an advantage strategic on the todistas in the market, seeks it in a group of buyers (niche) of that market (those of low economic resources), have minimal interest in them. This strategy rest on: neglect and indifference of the large companies installed, and the fact that structures (both operational and strategic) prevent the todistas to well serve certain market segments or certain territories. Likewise some segments of consumers are willing to sacrifice certain attributes and benefits offered by the products of the todistas, in exchange for a better price.

International production in 1999 the Group income to Venezuela, attracted by the size of that market (three times more than the Peruvian), the existence of similar to the Peru consumption habits and the fact that only 3% of the market was commercialized in plastic containers. In 2001 they enter Ecuador, I try initially to a projection of the plant in Sullana. Mexico: The next international goal proposed for 2002, the company was the second largest market in the world. In Mexico, the megaplanta of Ajemez is located on the outskirts of the city of Puebla. The plant has 4 (fully automated) bottling lines. Surprised the almost absence of personnel to the interior of the same and the presence of gigantic robots that do almost all the work. Where large numbers of people is concentrated is in the area of offices of the finished product: the beginning of the distribution.

The model, strategy and tactics were not changed, offer consumers a beverage with the greater value for your money and earn their loyalty with an innovative alternative. Without However, in addition to these factors, Ajemex – name that would take the group to open its plant in the town of Huejotzingo, Puebla – opted for a change of image and design more aggressive and competitive of Kola Real, its original brand. Thus was born Big Cola, the brand that soon became the distinguished company and increased sales in the group. Central America: Costa Rica as the initial seat of the Ajegroup operations within the framework of a regional project. In that country, specifically in the city of Carthage, under the designation business Ajecen of the South, it began operating a factory it worked first as an exporter to markets for Honduras and Nicaragua, but again efficient commercial of BIG COLA positioning boosted the installation of another plant in Guatemala (Ajemaya) from which, subsequently, El Salvador is supplied.