We are the people Mr., we cannot more fail When we open in them for the Sacred Holy Writs, especially in the writings of the New Will, when we saciamos our mind with the candy voice of Jesus in one of the evangelhos, for example, it has a sensation that we are carried to one another world, a world that without shades of doubts is the holy ghost, authentic and only. A world that is notable, perceivable, opened and invites in them to enter. We were invited to enter, to inhabit and to live, therefore, we hear and we feel a call. We enter in a Kingdom that the physical eyes cannot see. Therefore, the Master said: ' ' all that one that not to be born of new cannot see the Kingdom of Deus' ' (Joo 3,3).
At last, we are carried to a Kingdom, where who governs is the owner of the Kingdom. It is interesting that at the same time where we are governed, also we receive promises extraordinary, that by means of the faith in Jesus, if dislocate from the Holy Writs and settle on each one of us. Promises that among others things generate life in our interior. As for example, the words of Jesus, as those that if to deliver It will receive ' ' water viva' ' , the Spirit that is sent for the Father, and most interesting, we will not have more headquarters, changing in small, more we will not be directed and governed for corrupted desires and as prize we will not take the form of this world. This ' ' water viva' ' if ' will become a source; ' to gush out for the life eterna' ' (Joo 4,14). Source this, that will be transformed into ' ' rivers of vida' ' , flowing of the center of the life of the Master for a world that has headquarters, much headquarters.