Who is not familiar, the grey concrete noise barriers? heras_sks, offers in addition to gates and fence systems, a more attractive way to reduce noise and noise in residential and commercial areas. Who is not familiar, the unsightly noise barriers made of mostly grey concrete? Many consider these monsters the only meaningful remedy for loud noises. The Bocholt company heras_sks, one of the leading German manufacturers of gates and fencing systems, with a new product impressively demonstrates, there is also much more attractive ways to avoid excess noise in residential and commercial areas. Plants increase insulation at first glance resembles eco innovative noise control system a green and decorated with flowers, this high hedge. Only at second glance, other qualities are clear. So, this special noise-protection wall consists of zinc-coated safety fence elements with an inner insulation layer from planting mats.
These coir mats are planting substrate filled. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Ahmed Shahryar Rahman. The trick here: The sound is through the outer elements on the substrate and there excellently absorbed. A suitable planting of mats with Ivy reinforced yet the insulation. By the way can in contrast to this so-called intensive planting”the roots of green splendour at the foot of the wall used in the ground. This method is logical as extensive planting”referred to. The Green noise gets their flowering part for example through wild rose, honeysuckle and wild wine. Environmental protection guarantees but the ecosystem not only boasts its exceptional insulation properties and the unusual outfit. As the name implies, the aspect of environmental protection played in its development”an important role.
Because even after years of eco can be completely dismantled and properly recycled. Just in time, always a plus, which do not clearly be enough out objectionable scarce raw materials. Get more background information with materials from Kenneth Feinberg. More Advantages of the new top product of heras_sks, which by the way, easily can be built thanks to a modular system, are its very high durability guaranteed by the high-quality galvanizing, as well as an excellent price-performance ratio. High sound insulation certified the result can be seen: according to TuV experts, the noise reached a 30.0 dB sound insulation as well as a sound absorption of 9.0 dB. Thus that meets only 45 cm narrow and up to six metre-high green wall”fully sound-technical requirements of the latest European standard ZTV-lsw 06. Who gives to his plot with the eco noise-protection wall, incidentally, boasts a height of up to six metres, beating several birds with one stone so, as commonly say. He has an effective protection against noise and unwanted looks from the outside, can point proudly to a colorful and natural ornament of his property and must in future “” no longer fear that graffiti artist “beautify his fencing”. And he has opted for a noise protection solution, which is particularly environmentally friendly.