Management Company

In my opinion, this picture should reflect a pleasant, have to communicate the exterior of the manager. In its absence or the work of several managers can come up with a collective image – that is, virtual manager, whose image can be downloaded from the Internet. Just do not overdo it with this photo – very relaxed and conscript picture, downloaded from specific sites may not attract those customers that you need:) 7) Publish PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE HEAD OF THE COMPANY. If you decide to publish photos of the major parties, it is best to do this in section "Management Company", together with some personal data. So you should choose the amount of the personal information which will serve to improve confidence in the site and the company itself. It can be: the main stages of life and a career path, the presence of scientists and / or professional degrees and titles; hobbies rights, information on family and children. This kind of personal notes is best left to write professionally trained professionals, saying again, what goal should be to pursue each of the notes. 8) A scheme OFFICE LOCATION AND DIRECTIONS the possibility to travel.

On Web sites, commercial companies, this requirement became norm. It is also gratifying when the creators of the site will have different options for travel by car, bus or metro. Well, like this: … Directions: Bus – routes 5, 12 from the bus stop "bus station" to stop "the seventh kilometer, then walk towards the nearest forest to stop the "ten kilometers" …