How should one go about conducting business in Latin America? Well, first, the market economy must be a factor. They must have a sound monetary policy. This implies fiscal responsibility with a strong surplus, independent monetary policy and set of regulations for public services to be performed by autonomous entities. Public-Private Cooperation Countries need basic understanding of long-term horizons. The education will be critical as we enter the world of knowledge. High investment in science and technology, otherwise the long run can not plug in the world.
Increased social cohesion, which means a better income distribution. Carbon emissions are the new challenge. The new paradigm will pollute How? Get ready for this debate because that is what the developed world. Argentina and Chile should move forward together on issues related to science, technology and patents. If we add value to our products we must innovate and patenting our discoveries. United States has a record of patents a year. Argentina and Chile still do this well. Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez pointed to this reality that he had taken steps to ensure that this crisis of capitalism will not affect Venezuela.
And Chile’s President Michelle Bachelet said practically the same, in defense of Chile. Of course it the presidents of Latin America are well aware how to respond to the reality that: the majority of Latin American countries export their products mainly to the United States. The most important Latin American countries mainly U.S. products. No doubt the reality of the crisis leads to Latin American countries become more integrated, as indeed it is still the MERCOSUR has called a meeting in Brasilia to take the necessary steps and face this reality and seek opportunities that would not be involved in trouble as it is being raised. Find other ways to get international loans that are primarily of U.S. financial institutions, precisely those organizations that are in crisis. Should review their exports and avoid having an impact on economic growth in Latin America. Take into account that the same president of Chile noted that the South should reflect on this crisis, sn doubt, affect the flow of investment and exports in the area, with serious impact on economic growth. In his view, the nations of the region should play a bigger role in global deliberations on the financial, energy and environment, about how to solve the current crisis.