How To Save Money On Purchases

The recent financial meltdown forcing many to reconsider their spending and cut some of them. Expenditures on food are a major stake in the budget of most households. In this publication we show how You can reduce this budget line. 1. Pulse demand. A fairly simple way to save money – is to plan in advance of purchase. Make a list of products that you want to buy, and stick to it – do not fall for Pulse demand (all kinds of chocolates, cookies and other products that are being asked in your shopping cart through the efforts of specialists merchandising). This is particularly relevant advice for hypermarkets.

2. Memento! Keep track of prices. As usually within a week we visit different shops – hypermarkets, supermarkets and shops ‘at home’. Everywhere different prices, sometimes differing by 20-50%. Keep a small notebook (use the same as for item 1) and fix the price there the purchased goods – at least for everyday products. Checking with him, you will make many interesting conclusions about where and what products to buy profitable. Remember, no-one ‘cheap’ and ‘luxury’ stores – in each trading point, there are products that are below the standard mark-up.

3. Look around. See what your region has stores. Maybe you should pay attention to the ‘discounters’ – ”, ‘Dixie’, ”, ‘Magnet’, etc. There are not too wide range, but you can pick a specific set of commonly used products, which will cost significantly cheaper than in-store ‘at home’.