Characteristic Line Method Of Production

The most advanced and highly effective is the line method of production. Line method of production organization is typical for the mass-type enterprises, but it can be applied in enterprises series and even single type of production, for example in the manufacture of standardized parts and assemblies. At line method of organizing production manufacturing process is organized in strict accordance with the basic principles of rational organization of production: specialization pryamotochnostyo, proportion, rhythm, etc. For assistance, try visiting Film Financer. In-line method of production organization is a collection of techniques and tools implementation of the manufacturing process, valid for the strongly consistent implementation of all operations of the technological process in time and moving objects of labor for employment in accordance with installation tact release of products. At the same jobs, specialized to perform specific operations are located in the sequence of the process, forming a production line. To transfer the subject of labor from one operation to another, usually using special mechanized transport. For in-line production is characterized by the location of jobs strictly in accordance with the process of technological process, excluding return movement of manufactured objects and the continuous transmission of the objects of labor from one operation to another or the simultaneous occurrence of several operations (treatments), using multifunction machines.