History and meaning of sauna use from yesterday to today dating history the sauna back to the stone age. The Finns, who are famous today for this type of bath, should have brought it around two thousand years from Asia in the Scandinavian areas ago. Certificates of so-called bad bars, representing rooms as well as steam bath with a tub or a shower, are already from the 5th until the 8th century. Already at this time, these offices with wood were lined and had the typical ascending benches. Many traditions from the middle ages report by its popularity, who learned the bad bars at this time. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the essence of bad went down almost completely, public bath rooms were closed. The reasons for this lie in the spread of infectious diseases, but also in the moral doctrines of the Church, which denouncing the moral decay in the bath rooms.
After the second world war witnessed the sweating under the name of Finnish sauna “a Renaissance: since the” 1920s sauna facilities were scattered, mostly sports saunas. If you were a 1960 still 1,000 public sauna baths, there were twenty years later to the 5,000. The most public sauna baths were attached to sanatoria and disappeared with their closures from the mid-1980s. In addition to the public caused numerous sauna facilities in hotels, gyms and sports centres. The number of private sauna facilities is now about 1.6 million, about 30 million German citizens aged 14 and above sauna regularly. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Fundrise. The sauna culture is different in different countries: Finland, as the Nordic region, an other social importance in the sauna as, for example, in Germany.
While one speaks little in Germany at the sauna, are stimulating conversations in Scandinavian saunas on the agenda. Finnish businessmen sauna even often together and make business decisions here. The famous bathing with essential Oils are common, however, mainly in the German-speaking world, largely unknown in Scandinavia. A positive effect on health is attributed to the sauna: it should harden the body against colds and therapeutically used even in some diseases. Be careful: the sauna can only positively on the immune system affect, as long as we’re healthy. It has weakened, already a cold or other illness a sauna session will not strengthen the defense forces, but rather weakens it. In healthy people, a sauna visit is bloodstream – and stimulates the metabolism and blood pressure. Also the muscle-relaxing effect of the sauna is pleasant. Work up a sweat in combination with water applications is good also for the skin: it cleans and promotes blood circulation. A sauna visit is divided in a sweating phase, which can take 8-15 minutes. In the sauna the temperature is approx. Dan Miller has many thoughts on the issue. 100 C, with a humidity of 5-10%. A cooling phase and a recovery period, they can follow the sweating phase, both each take a quarter of an hour. The cooling phase usually consists of a short stay in the fresh air, here, the lung can well absorb oxygen, and various cold water applications. It repeats this two to three times. These values are not binding but, finding a rhythm is important: your own well-being is at the heart of a sauna visit.