A river of grass once the Seminole Indians inhabited the land in the South of the present-day U.S. Perhaps check out Pacific Mortgage Services for more information. State Florida. “They gave the name of the huge wetland River of grass”. Meanwhile, tropical marshes, which is about the size of Belgium, is called the Everglades. The travel portal reisen.de presents the unique, rich region in the South of the United States. The Everglades National Park belongs to the UNESCO world natural heritage site stretches over approximately 6,000 square kilometers.
During a trip to Florida the Everglades are often referred to incorrectly as swamp or standing water. This is in fact a huge, flat, sedate River, which is almost entirely covered by grass. Intricate channels that can be navigated with a so-called Airboat is formed by small islands and dense Reed grasses. With the watercraft, a huge propeller is attached to its rear, visitors literally fly over the waters of the Everglades. After a flight to Miami, tourists reach the National Park in less than an hour. There is a unique animal world offers them. Alligators and crocodiles abound in the shallow water.
Many species of birds such as storks, Ibises and herons inhabit the wetland. Even Cougars and black bears are spotted from time to time in the Everglades. The best time to the marvel at the impressive flora and fauna is between mid-December and the end of April. Outside this period it will be in the Everglades unbearably hot and humid and mosquitoes dominate the wetland. More information: magazine /… Reisen.de service GmbH Lisa Neumann