Well-known Chinese medicinal herb in your garden grow. As a medicinal plant Goji in China produced about 600 years in the province of Ningxia. For a few years, the knowledge of the valuable substances and their health effects also in the Western world has arrived. It is quite interesting to grow Goji in the own garden to reap the healthy benefits. The Chinese Wolf Berry needs a sunny location in permeable soil. It educates over two-meter-long rods that are so light and flexible, arching tend to Earth. See Wall Street for more details and insights. The flowers appear in June and resemble the tomato flower, with which she are related are. Both belong to the nightshade family.
The orange-red fruits sit on small pedicels and grow directly on the wood. The harvest season is August to September. The fruits are about as large as peas oval, slightly sour, tart and slightly bitter taste. Now, some sweeter fruit varieties have been bred as also varieties with large fruits. After planting in easily fertilized garden soil, the shrub needs to get in the first year at the new location. In the second year, he makes new shoots out and with a little luck the first fruits. A rich harvest is from the fourth level year in prospect.
Goji (botanically: Lycium barbarum) is not demanding and endure periods of drought in the summer very well. Also she is so used to the dune fixation insensitive to salts. The Chinese wolfberry, Goji can withstand only no waterlogging over a longer period of time. The plant has grown too large, can you cut back easily into autumn, it easily drives out.