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The IAE EC Provides The Housing Solution Of The Future

Genotec EC: Debt-free option purchase real estate property purchase Ludwigsburg October 2011. The homeownership rate in Germany is meager 43%. One of the considerations that led in 2002 to the creation of the IAE housing cooperative EC was to increase this number significantly. The cooperative is committed to the goal, to enable as many people a secure living future and the acquisition of real estate property without debt. According to common definition, there are only two solutions for the Germans. Either they live to rent, or you build or buy a real estate and owner.

Genotec EC with the development of the GenoKonzepts was able to take the advantages of each of these two variants, and to unite them, to a new housing solution. Those who live for rent, is not at fault, pays off but in the course of his life a real estate, which belongs to a different owner. The resulting disadvantages, for example rising rents or a possible termination by the landlord. Who is also in a rental situation in retirement, loses a good piece of quality of life. The rental costs remain on the day of entry into the bond in the same amount.

The income drops considerably. Probably the one who has turned up then its rental real estate property. To this aim, the IAE EC helps its members. At the GenoKonzept of the IAE EC comes the option buyer during a rent, which he may use up to 25 years. He has a unilateral termination right and the notarized guarantee of a constant rate of living at the IAE EC. Through the purchase of the option has the Member of the IAE EC the possibility, but not the obligation to purchase.

Germany Income

Real estate prices Dusseldorf State real estate brokerage house condo buy apartment Dusseldorf consultant cheap construction financing, when should you buy clear positive only for property owners. Source: f + b residential index Germany by the 02.05.2011 during an inspection appointment complained a customer, that the prices for apartments in Dusseldorf is so clearly risen. That’s right. The interesting question is, again waiting until prices fall, which can only be the case in years or decades, or buy now before the prices go up? With children who are looking for self use residential property in Dusseldorf and surroundings I recommend families now to buy, although the prices have risen, because I reckon firmly that the prices will rise even more starkly. Germany’s economy is running as good as in any other country in Europe.

Apartments in Dusseldorf, significantly more than cost in Athens (!), although the people here earn more. Overall, the share of the rent on the whole available is in Germany Income relatively low in comparison to Europe and the prices significantly lower, as for example in the Netherlands, Austria, even in Poland apartments partly more than in Germany. This may have no stock on time. Dusseldorf in particular is a debt-free town, currently well developed according to the local Chamber of Commerce. See Mark Zinkula for more details and insights. The job situation is comparatively very good, you can work in Dusseldorf and earn good money. The housing situation is more modest, and more and more people come up with the idea, might buy the home ownership but not as wrong can be.

On the other hand the offer in Dusseldorf is extremely tenuous, especially if you want to have your own House. You may wish to learn more. If so, MasterClass is the place to go. I think prices will rise. Clear 2 years ago in the banking crisis there was to get real bargains. But today? Do you ready to pay a fair price, and I think it will be much more in the near future. The customer from the said appointment decided to wait until the prices again Flats in good locations in Dusseldorf are decreased for solid, because she has 2 kids and her husband would like to have a work room, so appropriate needs many rooms which also costs of course in Dusseldorf. I’m afraid if prices in Dusseldorf are falling again, the children of the customer no longer employed his and her husband will likely be already out of the House. And where will you live? And how much will you have to pay then to rent? I think more as now the financing would cost, although the prices have increased slightly. It is before the real estate prices in Dusseldorf will double from the current level only a matter of time until, and I think it will take too long. Good for those who have already beforehand saved her own roof over their heads. The others have certainly a roof over one’s head, even if it is only one of many bridges across the Rhine in Dusseldorf. Sokol Mihajlovic, brokers for financing real estate and insurance in Dusseldorf finance better in Dusseldorf


A farmhouse is a beautiful building farmhouses and farms have become increasingly popular for sale over time. A farm is one, that, or the building for a farm or the entirety of the structures of this operation. The main building is called the farmhouse. Farmhouses have accordingly depending on the size a great wealth or a large estate. Farmhouses are composed of various requirements for a building. You make a compromise. Often enough the big house for two or more generations. Next to the House, the cultivation is used as a barn, storage or as a shelter for agricultural equipment. Get more background information with materials from Employee Resource Groups.

With the General popularity of the property, the versatile use of farmhouses is increasing. Starting with apartments that are available in the House or in an annex to purely private use, as a place of peace, rest and relaxation. As second homes, farmhouses, with prosperous eras are increasingly popular people. Old listed farmhouses are restored the charm of the original maintaining, with great attention to detail, with style and level. In addition a very tasteful and top quality facilities. Therefore, a farmhouse is a purchase, which is worthwhile in any case. Farm the farm concept is man a farm, in which live the family members together and also work. Very nice homes are just farms.

Here, too, there is the possibility that in an annex or in the building itself, there are apartments. Here the children with animals can play, feed them or the muck out help. Also holiday only for children are offered, this vacation without the parents usually two weeks. On some farms, the possibility to organise weddings, as well as any other kind of (family) celebrate.