A small preview of the new first-person shooter CS: GO, which worldwide by millions of players is expected to hot and through the beta phase could hold enough. It’s finally just before the release of the next version of revolutionary already more than a decade ago, as strike brought the first counter title on the market, the manufacturer of valve and now stands. We’ve looked at today more accurately the game and want to now show you what GO about bring CS: and you can expect many innovations and features. The first-person shooter valve scene dominated with counter strike: source and counter strike: 1.6 for quite a while. Now to the new CS: GO Crown this success and carry him. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Euro Pacific Precious Metals by clicking through. To the delight of the new counter strike to bring non-online players play on the so far continues now the Erfolgsshooter the game consoles PlayStation and Xbox.
More than 12 years after the release of the first counter strike game has valve decided to occupy the throne room. After the competition with tries under the games call of duty, Medal of honor and battlefield the genre have to tear, still more fans counter strike 1.6 – and that can play at a very high level in national and international leagues. Maps could not have different strike the maps in counter but the popular dust_2 and nuke are still very enjoy played and tried new tactics. A concept with long lasting success! GO to keep that also continue to exist, there will be an update of the maps in CS:. Optically polished and slightly modified these cards bring a breath of fresh air in the game CS: GO. Add new maps and the arsenal come fashion. Weapons what so far unfortunately not quite convinced at counter strike were the Luckshots who came from any firearms. This should now with CS: GO largely are terminated and the precision capability of the player on a new install level. Added new weapons however should be continued the old, but have been revised. It should change neither the popular Desert Eagle, M4 or AK.