It opens its heart and if it fulls of a simple ones, but deep word of the part Mr. Jesus. QUEM WAS NAAM? It is not known very on the life of Naam beyond what the bible tells in them, then thus we know that this man was a great general of the Army of the king of the Syrian, according to some studies, the Naam name means ' ' child meiga' '. It also had a family, therefore the bible is emphatical in citing loved its, without mentioning its name, and if it was general and he was married, we can assume that also it had children. As general, Naam had conquered many victories for its King, was famous, much known in its land, respected and honored man. Also it had many wealth. I imagine that its house was well similar to a palace, had the great wealth that possua, thus had many employees, who took care of of its belongings. This age Naam. Although vision of the others was a successful man in the life according to, inside of itself in the Naam truth he was a frustrated man, therefore we see above in the text that this great general was leprous and the leprosy did not have cure proven in those times, and if you do not know this you are a very castigante illness therefore the ulcers you came gradually in the different parts of the body, the hair you fell, sobrancelhas you disappear, the nails amolecem and fall and later the fingers of the hands and the feet apodrecem and fall, the gengivas are contracted and the teeth disappear, the eyes, the nose, the language, little by little they disappear envotos in terrible wounds. But one day, already more not aguentando to see the suffering of its lady, a girl who was a slave and in the house Mr.